Darkthrone's Latest Quotes: Your Thoughts?

lurch70 said:
I was not talking about "music" but the rather assinine statements like DT makes.
THen why are you so anti-Nile? ;)

As far as the quotes, did anyone ever think "Hey, maybe that's the way they really feel about black metal."??
THen why are you so anti-Nile? ;)
I like bands that walk as they talk ... someone who is well read from a library does not impress me.

Hell, the Wu Tang and Motley Crue has more cred in my book then Nile.
From what I read in the interview, Nocturno Culto backed by Satyricon did a 30-minute set of Darkthrone songs.

Fenriz was not there.
J. said:
From what I read in the interview, Nocturno Culto backed by Satyricon did a 30-minute set of Darkthrone songs.

Fenriz was not there.
You would already know all this stuff if you had read my latest Fenriz interview :erk:
J. said:
"We want the albums to be our voice as opposed to coming out playing to a bunch of drunk people half of which can't even make out what's happening."
I'd've thought a band of Darkthrone's stature would be able to play a show to pretty much just thrir own fans. You get wallflowers at every gig, but most (all?) bands play to the people who are there to see them down the front, not the guys standing at the back!
I don't "enjoy" DT music at all ... but I guess this would make me one of their biggest fans :loco: