Darren's World Tour 2002-2003


Apr 20, 2003
Well, the tour has been going well so far.
India was very inspiring. It is de place! Nepal is the real beauty though!
Anyway, I am that annoying singer from the start of the band, the one who's suffering grows with increase of my guilt. I sank down into that fucking clammy soil more than once. I'm on me way out now and I'm up fer action, so...
I'm in Indonesia right now and the reason why I'm writing this is because I used to get so much correspondence from Malaysians so I thought I'd advertise the fact that I'll be there very soon. The only thing is I don't know whether any Malaysians are members of this site and maybe the ones who are just don't give a fuck about me anyway!
I am sure some original Anathema fans like to travel in Asia. Well, I'll be travelling through some other Asian countries over the next few months. Get in touch if you give a fuck. My email is...
I'll be checking my emails at least once every 2 weeks, sometimes more depending on situation (how far off the beaten track I find myself).
The roadshow continues...
jah, its the boy White! I found this link http://www.studentnow.com/people/white.html
but its not you I think. this is tho
go-ed daz! good to see you here. hope all is well over there. watch out for that bloody virus, its all over the news here....
we'll meet up when you get back and all that...

destroy devotion....
pagan2002 said:
mariner what the fuck does this mean? a football result or something?

well urr, i wanted to say something , but like good luck with the tour is kinda cheesy cause I'm not into his stuff... i even dont know how they sound like

and 2-1 because... yeah 2ex member and 1 current member are active on the board. later i realised jamie posted few times before as well :blush: and its not an attack to the other guys in anathema. (in case it might appear like that)

funny no-one asked before haha, well we tell stupid things all the time of course :grin:
yogidaz said:
I'm in Indonesia right now and the reason why I'm writing this is because I used to get so much correspondence from Malaysians so I thought I'd advertise the fact that I'll be there very soon.

Here listen darren, buddy. pal. me ould flower. If your over in Indonesia and malaysia could you pick me up a nice wavy kris?? Its does'nt have to have magical powers or nuffink, just a bog standard kris. I've given two other gimps orders to pick me one up when they were in malaysia but they FAILED me, the wasters. I know you wont let me down tho. buddy. pal. mate:Spin:
Ta lars
Aw-rite there Dunc me arl china. Just the other day there was me, Noel Gallagher and you in Stanley Park and we were talking about doing some tunes together. Noel seemed up for it, and he had a nice jumper on. Honest, this really happened... just last week it was.
Mariner: I thought you meant the score between the reds and the blues (LFC, EFC) and that you were just being kind. It was Dancav who noticed the conspiracy there... well spotted Dan. Once again, daft old naive Daz misses out on whats really going on.
Good son: cheers, I'll deffo be there. You can be me guide if you'd be so kind. I am well into me temples, history and all that. Despite all of my travels around the place I just haven't been to Grrreece yet.
Thortyir: just cheers.
Basilbisk 2003: On my world tour, the Liverpool leg is in about November. Meet you then. I hope I won't be needing no sars mask. I didn't have one on in Singapore airport or anything. Loads of people did, apart from one Indian bloke who coughed and sneezed loads of times. So much it sounded like he was putting it on for a laugh. I didn't laugh, I was paranoid I'd get it. Then for the first week I spent next to a massive lake in Sumatra I had a cold, and was still paranoid. I'm better now though, and I climbed a volcano the other day and really did feel some earth energy, man.
See yuz
Bambi, what's Kris??? Where do I get it? How does it make one feel?
I'll get ya some if its legal. They'd cut me hands off for not much in Malaysia if I'm not careful. I'm just checking the legality and everything, as one does.
When I was in Nepal I made friends with a sound bloke named Darius - not the popstars one but a different one, with curly hair and flares. He had bought a load of interesting things in India and was taking it back to distribute to friends back home.
Like a fucking chemists shop, his bag was.
Oh, and how will I deliver it if I do get it?
I'm not back in Europe till November anyway.
heheh I'm just having a laugh mate, a kris is them knives with wavy blades that some malays and indonesians carry around. dunno if its legal to export 'em but i wouldnt fancy going tru customs with one in me bag.
If I make it to de fillipines next year i'll pick one up there.
speaking of which i was playing some indonesion trad music on winamp (the stuff ye hear in them patchouli oil type shops) and wot came up next in the playlist?? ...dead men dream

Karmic or wot??:hypno:
Yeah bambi thats wierd. U are joking right?
...and Sopel, of course I never stop dreaming!
They are meeting up and Kev is still writing stuff. Me n Kev had some really different sounding stuff going on there for a while. Not like Dead Men Dream though, and the others in DMD like their metal so much. So Kev and I will deffo be doing some tracks together on my return that sound very different from anything I've done before.
I am getting what I wanted out of this trip - and MUCH more! I am very inspired - India is a special place once you've got past the hassles and are prepared to open yorself up to it - the beautiful chaos that is!
I'll be doing an "Indian School" when I get back - teaching tabla, yoga, and I'll continue the philosophy group - with a special Indian touch.
No i aint joking, it happened.

I was saying to the boy patterson that i dunno how half the mp3s i have wound up on me pc. ...i have some cds of music from bali etc but dont remember d/ling any mp3s...hmmmmm