dave mustaine seems like a funny motherfucker

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
i posted this at the gigantour forum but i think some people here will appreciate this, too.

ive never met dave mustaine, but he seems like a seriously funny dude. did anyone else laugh out loud at some of his answers in his chat transcript? he comes across as, well, not rude, but just very pragmatic in his answers...straight and to the point. but the first half of the transcript was just hilarious to me...but, maybe it's just my weird sense of humor.

sammaiden15 <Q>Dave, I love you, Just wanted to know if your hair was real
megaman <A>i was waiting for the first idiot. thank god the waits over.


Ehh. He gave boring short answers. If the questions were about Metallica, it'll be more interesting.
I'd love to know his answer to the burning questions:

When the hell is your obsession with Selloutica going to cease?

How does it feel to be blown away by 30 minutes of Nevermore EVERY night?
AnvilSnake said:
Maybe, but then again we've all heard it before.
His imitations of Lars Ulrich are funny. And dead on too!