David Beckam supports Iron Maiden


Iron In The Soul
Apr 1, 2002
Hi girls. Just see this:


The increase of Iron Maiden t-shirts sells have been noticed in Hollywood, the new land of the Beckam family.
Its been quite fashionable to wear old metal t-shirts recently.

He probably doesnt even know who Iron maiden are, and just forget about him ever spelling it.

England breathes a sigh of relief cos he and his monster of a wife are in sherman tank land.
Its been quite fashionable to wear old metal t-shirts recently.

He probably doesnt even know who Iron maiden are, and just forget about him ever spelling it.

England breathes a sigh of relief cos he and his monster of a wife are in sherman tank land.

^^^ What he said! It says he's a huge hip-hop fan so I highly doubt if he's a Maiden fan.

I really hate people wearing band shirts if they don't like the band. To me it's like wearing a cross if you're not a Christian or something like that. If don't believe in what you're wearing, why do it? Cos it's fashionable?? I remember going off on a HUGE rant once cos Topshop were selling Motorhead shirts. Plus, you're just going to make yourself look like a twat if someone tries to strike up a conversation with you about the band and you know absolutely jack shit about them. There was this guy at my work wearing a Black Sabbath shirt and of course I love Sabbath so I started a conversation about them to which he responed, "I fucking hate Black Sabbath, I think they're shite!" Oooooooooooook then, so why in the name of the wee man are you wearing their bloody t-shirt?!?! Apparently it jjust "looked cool". :Smug: I really can't stand people who wear metal shirts for fashion in case you haven't guessed by that rant! :lol:
blegh - i'd like to see more beckham on the galaxy field instead of access hollywood :erk:

hi dreamaster :wave:

Hi lady :)

Long time I didn't come here. I though you girls had forgoten me by now.

I'm glad things are going great for you.

And my best wishes and luck for the rest of the girls that are no longer in the band.

Kisses for all of you sweet girls
Hi DREAMASTER, welcome back. :wave:

Ya know, on the tee subject - well, call me PollyAnna but I get philosophical about what people wear. Especially since this guy gets a lot of press and that gets Maiden's name and Derek's artwork out there - which is never a bad thing, if ya think about it!! Just means the tee is working on all levels - with a visual edge and artistic and musical meaning. too. :)
I kind of get peeved, too, when non-fans wear metal shirts. But, then again, there's nothing wrong with unsolicited publicity to bring fans to the metal community!

I have a few pics of celebrities wearing pics of Maiden because it's trendy, and a whole lot more because they are true-blue fans -----> http://maidenshows.ryasrealm.com/babes.htm.

I guarantee you that I'll be adding David Beckham to my site! :headbang:
Anything involving Lord and Lady beckham is not advertisement.

See you Americans must think we think the sun shines out of his arse.

Its common knowledge in England the David Beckham is infact a twat and his wife is nothing more than a talentlessbottomfeedingscumsuckerwhorefromhellwhojusthappenedtobefitwhenshewasaspicegirlandnotastickinsectassheisnow. <deep breathe>

if you are not already fed up with circus beckham, tough, we dont want them back!
I kind of get peeved, too, when non-fans wear metal shirts. But, then again, there's nothing wrong with unsolicited publicity to bring fans to the metal community!

I have a few pics of celebrities wearing pics of Maiden because it's trendy, and a whole lot more because they are true-blue fans -----> http://maidenshows.ryasrealm.com/babes.htm.

I guarantee you that I'll be adding David Beckham to my site! :headbang:


I'm there - second from the bottom on the left with my Dave Murray plectrum and program. What a crap pic of me!! :lol:
first start and first goal for mr. beckham!!! :kickass: yeah, it was a penalty shot but i've been a huge soccer fan since i was wee (did i use my scottish right?) so hearing mls scores on the morning news cuz of beckham is great exposure for the sport. timz should play during one of their home games huh!!!
first start and first goal for mr. beckham!!! :kickass: yeah, it was a penalty shot but i've been a huge soccer fan since i was wee (did i use my scottish right?) so hearing mls scores on the morning news cuz of beckham is great exposure for the sport. timz should play during one of their home games huh!!!

I think it is "since i was a wee lass".
