DAW A/D converters

Mr. Brokenamp

Mar 3, 2006
Pennsylvania USA
I have an old Fostex vf16. I like to use racked mic preamps run into the unit. Am I losing much sound quality due to the quality of the A/D converters in the vf16?
My guess is they are not the really on par with something I can have installed on my computer.
FWIW, I find the converters are one of the least important items in the signal chain. After spending years on Gearslutz.com, listening to them go on & on endlessly about converters & miniscule quality improvements, I started hanging out here. .....and started making much better records.

Sure, we can all use better gear, but I'd be more worried about my control room acoustics & how much bass trapping I have than what brand of converters are in my rack.
FWIW, I find the converters are one of the least important items in the signal chain. After spending years on Gearslutz.com, listening to them go on & on endlessly about converters & miniscule quality improvements, I started hanging out here. .....and started making much better records.

Sure, we can all use better gear, but I'd be more worried about my control room acoustics & how much bass trapping I have than what brand of converters are in my rack.

Wow I think the exact opposite. Better converters the less jitter you will have and more accurate transient response you will get.
I think converters are a crucial part to how guys like Andy and Zeuss get such clear sounds...yes, they have impeccable live rooms as well, but if you don't have ultra-clear converters to take advantage of the acoustic spaces you have...you're fucked. Obviously, Andy can use any fucking gear he wants (he used his Digi 002 when he was tracking the newest Exodus) and he will still make it sound absolutely amazing. But I definitely think high-quality converters factor in to what sets guys like Andy apart from the competition.

At the same time, for average guys like most of us, who are recording in their basements/garages/bedrooms, converters probably won't do much since if anything they will expose the inadequacies of the spaces we are recording in...
I think converters are a crucial part to how guys like Andy and Zeuss get such clear sounds...yes, they have impeccable live rooms as well, but if you don't have ultra-clear converters to take advantage of the acoustic spaces you have...you're fucked. Obviously, Andy can use any fucking gear he wants (he used his Digi 002 when he was tracking the newest Exodus) and he will still make it sound absolutely amazing. But I definitely think high-quality converters factor in to what sets guys like Andy apart from the competition.

At the same time, for average guys like most of us, who are recording in their basements/garages/bedrooms, converters probably won't do much since if anything they will expose the inadequacies of the spaces we are recording in...


did any really track exodus w digi 002? the whle thing drums too?
You can make good records with mediocre converters.. if your a good engineer it wont be the comverters that will stop you in doing a good job..
But then again, everything counts in large amounts imo.. better converters is better mixability of your tracks..
FWIW, I'm using RME converters myself. Never really felt a desire to upgrade. Sure, better converters will help. I'm not arguing that point. But in terms of overall importance, it's pretty low on the scale. Room acoustics & mic technique are far more important IMO. A set of Prisms ain't gonna do jack shit for you if you don't know how to mic your amp correctly. Or mic your drums... Hopefully that last line made my analogy a little more clear.

Well, I haven't tried any expensive converters but the way I see it, it's better to not have the absolutely perfect digital representation of your great sounding source than to have a perfect representation of ...crap.
FWIW, I'm using RME converters myself. Never really felt a desire to upgrade. Sure, better converters will help. I'm not arguing that point. But in terms of overall importance, it's pretty low on the scale. Room acoustics & mic technique are far more important IMO. A set of Prisms ain't gonna do jack shit for you if you don't know how to mic your amp correctly. Or mic your drums... Hopefully that last line made my analogy a little more clear.


Couldn't have put it better myself.