day 2...

Eh? I saw a monster a couple of months back. It was like a slippery puppy/seal thing, sitting on a bloke's lap in the car parked next to me on some German or Dutch motorway service station carpark in the sleeping/skinning up section. It moved through impossible angles, and had glowing red eyes. The bloke was petting it slyly. Nobody believes me.
Light said:
Nobody believes me.

I do.

I smoke coz I like it... never thought about quitting so far... Its an addiction, ok, but I can live with that quite good...
They have shown us those pics of lungs in school already, maybe a hundered times or more... they don't fear me anymore... and if my lung already looks like that (I am sure it already looks a bit similar...) its because I have chosen it to be... No one "pressured " me to do so...
However, good luck...
I smoke coz I like it... never thought about quitting so far... Its an addiction, ok, but I can live with that quite good...
They have shown us those pics of lungs in school already, maybe a hundered times or more... they don't fear me anymore... and if my lung already looks like that (I am sure it already looks a bit similar...) its because I have chosen it to be... No one "pressured " me to do so...
However, good luck...
Le Cigs, if you want to pack them in you will. But you have to want to do it. I packed in about 6 years ago, (i smoked for about 3..erm) and packed in. Had the odd one the first week but thought it wasn't worth it.

However monsters, I will never give them up!
Zombies are my an irrational fear but love zombie films and my fav monster is the werewolf> big hairy killing machines :tickled: