Ddrum trigs and a DM5


Mar 29, 2006
Warrensburg, MO
Man, I put these 5 triggers on my acoustic set. Plugged em into my DM5, I get hella false triggering. I've jacked with all the settings, and still just get false trigs. Anyone use this setup? I think I would rather plug them straight into my MOTU interface. I'm pretty much MIDI ignorant. Will I need a midi sync unit for these trigs?
I've used a DM5 with home-made triggers made from radio shack piezos. I got a fairly low false trigger rate after screwing around with all the weird settings in the DM5. did you read the manual thoroughly? you really really need to tweak that thing something fierce to do what you want it to.
+1 to Carrier's reply. When a band brought theirs in the studio we had our DDrum Pro kick trigger on the...well...kick...and he wanted to use the DM5's kick sample...I didn't argue with him but I plugged it into a splitter and had one out go to the DM5 for it's sample and I recorded the other output straight to DAW so I could GOG it if the DM5 didn't work out. Luckily, my girlfriend plays drums and has an e-kit with a DM5, so I'm familiar with the menus and tweaking it. I tried and tried and couldn't get it to stop mis-triggering. Even fucked with the drum head (tighter, looser) to see if that would help...no dice. We ended up using the GOG...and once I was watching the track in Vegas, it wasn't the trigger that was false triggering, it was the DM5. The "di" trigger track was perfect, and the GOG took care of it all. I would say try not to spend too much time fucking with the DM5, it's just not worth it....for live use though it's a cool unit, if you don't mind a few extra kicks here and there :p

the DM5 can be set to trigger just fine... but the drummer has to strike the kick solidly and consistantly. the ddrum trigger will pick up even inconsistant strikes nicely, so this makes sense.
yes the DM-5 can be a contrary bitch you just have to tweek the velocity and gain settings. and i have used a cheap mic to trigger the DM-5 as well and it worked pretty good.
Use muffling in your kickdrums. Only way to get doubletriggering away with ddrums... Also adjust the Decay to like 7 or more(20 when 2 bassdrums). It's about the drummer in the end.

kinda off topic but: Can you "record" directly to tape(software)? And then replace the peaks with gogging?