Dead Can Dance Tribute


Sep 7, 2001

Disk One
ARCANA - In the wake of adversity
TRAIL OF TEARS - The arcane
HORTUS ANIMAE (with Liv Kristine Espenaes ex- THEATRE OF TRAGEDY) - Windfall/ Summoning of the muse
AMBER ASYLUM - Cardinal sin
GRIDO - Rakim
ANATHEMA - How fortunate is the man with none
SARAH JEZEBEL DEVA - The Wind that Shakes the Barley

Disk Two
BLACK TAPE FOR A BLUE GIRL - Fortune present gifts not according to the book
JARBOE (ex SWANS) - American dreaming
ANTIMATTER - Black sun
THE GATHERING - In power we entrust the love advocated (*)
NIGHTFALL - The obiguitous Mr. lovegrove
DARKWELL - Anywhere out of the world
ULVER - In the kingdom of the blind the one-eyed are kings
AKRABU - Desert song
NOEKK (ex EMPYRIUM) - How fortunate is the man with none
IMPERIAL BLACK (new band of ex CRADLE OF FILTH bassist)- Enigma of the Absolute
SUBTERRANEAN MASQUERADE - Summoning of the Muse (Deconstructed)

All songs are exclusive except (*)

S4R: this announcement should go into the "Check out this band"-thread (or Links-thread) or not at all; you should know that well. Otherwise everybody could come here and announce their stuff with a new topic :/
Except for anyone would tell me a connection between DT and DCD. :p
Inevitably in recent times any remark of mine like this follows a comment by Malaclypse in the sense of I would be always complaining.
Seems like he is quite unhappy with his own things and and lets the anger out in here. I just think he should maybe go on and solve his stuff instead of biting at me. btw, I didn´t find his remark especially high culture....?

If one wants to interprete your posts in NF-thread (or your "remember-topic") with bad intentions, I could aswell say you are whining, like you say about me in an unpolite way, but I don´t say that because for sure people should tell about their feelings and discuss them in here. Just then I wish for the same rules for all and not some get the response of "I want to discuss your feelings about that" while in return you don´t allow that to others and cut it off with comments such as your recent.
ok, let's discuss this.

first off, i still am very grateful to S4R for bringing up this thread, or else i would probably not have heard about that tribute album. while dead can dance are as much as a white sheet of paper to me, the featured artists sure sound promising. thanks for the info.

along this line, i see no need whatsoever to enforce any kind of rules about where to post what. as many new users already have stated, they feel intimidated by bloated threads containing 1000+ posts. and what's so bad in making a new thread like this one? does it harm you, physically or mentally? surely it's not nice to have the board flooded with them, but that won't be the case anyway. of course you are entitled to your opinion, but please don't tell people how and what and where to post in such a teacher-like manner.

now, about your analysis of my private life: the NF thread is the place to rant and whine, so that's what i'll do if i feel like it. be assured that i do so for reasons, not for petty matters such as this one here. of course you may speculate how my real life looks like, and imagine me as a being full of hatred, bitterness and anger backstabbing at other people on every occassion. i won't comment on that.
and i would really like to see another post of me where i accused you of complaining... i must have missed.

now, where do we merge this thread, with the new band or the feelings topic? :err:
"along this line, i see no need whatsoever to enforce any kind of rules about where to post what. as many new users already have stated, they feel intimidated by bloated threads containing 1000+ posts. and what's so bad in making a new thread like this one? does it harm you, physically or mentally? surely it's not nice to have the board flooded with them, but that won't be the case anyway. of course you are entitled to your opinion, but please don't tell people how and what and where to post in such a teacher-like manner."

~it sounds like advertisement. I don´t see a big difference to for example when that guy came and announced his band Craydawn, or the guy with the internet radio, and people told them that this is spam.
Maybe to you what I say is teacher-like. I tried to give reasons for my posts and my opinion, and not only write something offending.

"now, about your analysis of my private life: the NF thread is the place to rant and whine, so that's what i'll do if i feel like it. be assured that i do so for reasons, not for petty matters such as this one here. "

~yeah, but why do you take your own stuff seriously and rant on others opinions, that is what I didn´t see.
if this matter here is petty to you, why you participate at all?

"and i would really like to see another post of me where i accused you of complaining... i must have missed."

~In the thread about music-video-director, you said this to me: " well honesly i must say that bitching about wasted time on the internet is a bit odd." (Note: I commented on that post over there, and I didn´t feel it was "bitching".) And now again a comment, not really nice one, I start to feel followed.

"now, where do we merge this thread, with the new band or the feelings topic? :err: "

Question: what about a topic on upcoming releases in general? People can bring in their stuff of what they are looking forward to, their own band, their friends´ band and their favoured bands. Of course one day it will have 324 pages, too, but not in close future. The latest generation of n00bs might take part then.
s4r is not advertising his band on this thread. he's not advertising a band either. he is somehow advertising something he likes, and given the response (n00bs and people from other boards and regulars saying it was interesting) i think it's ok to leave this thread as it is. to be honest, i find all the zeal for thread consolidation not that appropriate for a board that i scan meticulously ever hour for traces of spam, and averaging a number of daily new threads of 0.5. let's just... relax a little?

on a different topic: fireangel is not whining. her critical opinion is more than welcome whether i (or others) agree with it or not. she enjoys articulate replies to her remarks, and she's the first to post very articulate opinions. in my view she always deserves both the benefit of doubt and an open, dialectical approach to whatever she is pointing out.

and sorry if the above is inadvertently offending anyone, i've been driving for the past ten hours, so please cut me some slack for tonight.
Well, the difference is that Malaclypse does his "whining" (which i don't see at all as whining) in a thread with that exact purpose. On the other hand fireangel is doing her "whining" (everyone can judge for themselves if it's whining or not) in a thread where the purpose is providing information.

Another difference is that Malaclypse commented on fireangel's comment on this thread. She had the right to complain about the thread, he had the right to complain about her post. And then she replied on a personal level. That i call a hit under the belt. Imo you can criticize someone posts, but you shouldn't criticize his personal life, especially after they chose to pour their heart out in public. You don't know them, so don't judge them.

Also, i'd like to advice fireangel to spend some more time on this forum, get to know who are regulars and who are one-time spammers, and _then_ start acting like a forum police.

That's my 2 cents.

Siren (who wonders, if you start feeling followed after 2 replies, how should you feel after the 3rd or 4th one? :err: )
fireangel: Many people come to a forum and have different thoughts and feelings about some of the stuff they read in it; but it's another thing to always point out your disapproval of this and that, and judge this person's actions and that person's actions. You seem to get offended easily, whether by a harmless joke, or the fact that someone didn't reply to you right away, or even when questions without intended harm are asked to you. I'm not saying you don't have the right to voice your opinion all you want, but I'm letting you know why some people might start to comment on it..

Now, making a remark on his personal words was just uncalled for. Nobody should be discouraged from, or put down for, expressing their personal feelings and/or problems.

Finally, this forum doesn't abide by rigid rules.. it doesn't need to. Unless blatant spam is the case, its participants don't really have a problem with what comes and goes.. it either gets discussed as a thread, one way or the other; or it doesn't, and it trickles down the page and is forgotten.
fireangel said:
S4R: this announcement should go into the "Check out this band"-thread (or Links-thread) or not at all; you should know that well. Otherwise everybody could come here and announce their stuff with a new topic :/
Except for anyone would tell me a connection between DT and DCD. :p
I frequent the Seriously Off-Topic board and let me just say, I wish this was the type of thing people compained of as spam. Suffice it to say, this pales in comparison, in my opinion.

I can understand fireangel's comment. There's a deep sense of community here, seemingly moreso than other boards. I don't doubt that took some work. I look at what the Opeth board has become and I can understand "fears" fireangel might have. However, I did not create the thread to serve as a plug. I posted it because I recently had a conversation with Boron and he was on at the time I was reading the website I linked. There's no need to fret over me or a discussion of Dead Can Dance, I assure you.
Malaclypse said:
first off, i still am very grateful to S4R for bringing up this thread, or else i would probably not have heard about that tribute album. while dead can dance are as much as a white sheet of paper to me, the featured artists sure sound promising. thanks for the info.
It's an impressive line-up for sure. I'm most excited to hear Anathema and Ulver. I can't wait to hear Garm's vocals on Ulver's track.
Ethereal, if yes there ARE DCD fans here (sorry I didn't tell you before :oops: ) and IF the CD is on sale now (we all know that S4R often annouces he has CD's MONTHS before the official release ;) ) then I will pick up a copy. And you should talk to Squeemu too, he's the lad who just happens to have Santum's "Clarify" album. I have been pestering him for a little while to get it to me. :tickled: You two share similar tastes from what I can see.

S4R: How about antimatter? I am more keen to hear their cover than anathema's :p