
I`ll come to your party, anywhere, anytime... My favourite drinks are Desperados, water and coffee (with milk, no sugar)
Tell me about further updates on your party- plans :)
And I am very much looking forward to the Flammenschwert- posing :grin:
salisbury said:
The forum's not dead...why do you think, it' s dead? Jonas is dad!
And what about a Katatonia-Forum party? Some suggestions, if you like the idea, where to make it (Berlin, Stockholm, Dneprpetrovsk (oder so ähnlich...))

Jonas is a dad? :OMG: Well, I've heard that Daniel is going to be a father, but Jonas? More info, please. And about the party-it's going to be pretty hard to do it, don't you think? :)
Kara said:
Jonas is a dad? :OMG: Well, I've heard that Daniel is going to be a father, but Jonas? More info, please. And about the party-it's going to be pretty hard to do it, don't you think? :)

I have heard he has a baby but I'm not involved in his private life so I can't give you any more information.
About the party: it wouldn't be so difficult if you really wanted it (I'm a great talent in organization :)) but it seems most Katatonia- fans aren't party- people so it probably won't happen.... You're all so boring, stay at home!