I aint play this, flawedcoil, Klosure and Vincent J and every other poster post my post (great sentence!), I agree more with myself when I add your posts.
The reason I think, why all the bands who are into the "dark" genre write the same lyrics over and over are probably because they end up with the same conclution: When I feel down and depressed, these words hit me and sadly...damn it, they do hit the place they need to. But still, even with this in mind, I really hope they can take a step away from the those old well walked trenches/roads (mind patterns!!) and just be brave and sure, many will always complain about bands doing something that doesn't fit their place, but every bloody time, I'm happy about it when some time has passed. I'm still happy about MDB and PL's periods where they've gone electronic and just out of their shoes and press their own boundaries. They've all really jumped back into some seriously big boots and I'm pretty sure it will take something huge to manage to take them off again, but 34.788% or whatever it was called was such a breath of fresh air. Katatonia have always picked up on these things and stayed one step ahead of the other bands. But now, what to do...what to do..! Not overthinking things would be good, but I'm sure Katatonia thinks about these things, but focus more on the music itself and probably just accept now that this is their thing and it works. Still, hope you give it a little thought next time...gadget..Jonas and co.
Btw, I think this album will be close to their best, musically speaking. A combo of NITND and TGCD is the perfect combo...if you throw in a piece of something completely new.
Ps; the drinking game is something I've wanted to play my whole life. Add words like: Angel, dark, death, dead, falling, river etc and you're passed out before you've come
through half a Katatonia, PL or MDB cd. Almost wish I was back in my early twenties again. Before Ritalin...nah...too chaotic and dark.
Silent Paragon: I do believe the answer is; yes!