Dear Jack Koshick


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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Dear Mr Jack Koshick
can you please explain to me how Symphony X will be playing at the New Jersey metal fest on the scheduled Sunday night when they will be on tour in Toronto with Halford that same night?

I know that you will not announce this until two days before the show, so that you can sell as many tickets as possible, just like you did with Edguy last year, (even though I don't like Edguy...sayin)

can you please eat a dick.

I hope you fall on Arthur Ashe's aids infested needle and die a slow, miserable death.

your fest sucks.
Fozzy is your main attractiion.

I will pray for you to get cancer every night.

how many times did I post something about not getting your hopes up. OK, So they aren't going to play this big worry. Maybe some other time....and maybe never.

Regardless though. If you wanted to bring up something to Jack's attention, then I would suggest firing off the e-mail in his general dierction and see what you get.

This board is really not the place for it. Yes, it's Sym X related and I can understand the frustration behind missing a chance to see them, but the whole thing is like an open letter to a guy who never reads the board.

You think we can drop it?? Come on, there's got to be better things to harp on in this life. he's not an admin type person, but he likes a certain order in the house of the X-men :)
my point is that he is still listing SX on his site and getting people in parts of NJ that are too far from NYC to buy tickets to see Symphony X and probably Seven Witches, because lets face it, the rest of the roster that day is pretty awful.
Nice work- I enjoy reading all the venting on Jack. I live in Wisconsin which is the hole from which he came and we have had to deal with his b.s. concert bills for decades. Always lists the biggest bands of the day at his shows and then they mysteriously get cancelled! WOW what a sneaky guy. Take all the fans money and then screw them.

I wish Jack would move away...anybody want him?
Originally posted by azal
my point is that he is still listing SX on his site and getting people in parts of NJ that are too far from NYC to buy tickets to see Symphony X and probably Seven Witches, because lets face it, the rest of the roster that day is pretty awful.

So send your rant to him in e-mail..the addy was posted above.
Awww, Let the guy speak. Since when did he have top get approval to discuss a SymX topic with SymX fans? I didn't see Timo Tolkki's email address put up when people talked about running him over after the Strato album was leaked, and I don't think I've seen Michael Romeo's address being given for people that think John Petrucci is a better player etc.

The only difference I see is that this was an open letter rather than the exact same comment directed to no-one in particular.

edited: spelling
Point taken, point is that he should send his rant to the person it was directed won't do him any good here, but if he tells the guy what he thinks, maybe something will happen. Either way, there's no need to wish death on anyone, especially not over a stupid show..that's a bit excessive.
How can you not see that there is a purpose to post it here as well? Perhaps even more people would agree and then more of us could contact Koshit Koshick.

He is a sleaze bag... just like how he advertised the San Antonio Metalfest as the first "annual"... we're still waiting for a 2nd one... Guess he was upset that he couldn't fool more Texans into spending their hard earned money on his show, nasty beer and crapass food.

Not to mention.. not being allowed to leave the venue, and did I bring up the fact that he divided stages with a FUCKING CURTAIN???

Death on him is excessive, but stomping his testicles sounds appropriate!:D
Originally posted by azal
i wish death on people for making me a shitty burger at a diner, get over it.

plus I did send this to him, I just wanted to post it here, so I did.

Kudos for alerting Symphony X fans on the scam that this "Metalfest" is!
dude, he's a scum bag. Ask anyone who's ever played a fest or attended.

last year was actually OK, beside the Edguy thing and the $4 slices of microwave pizza.