Death Angel - Archives & Artifacts


Dec 9, 2003
Anybody interested in this? Comes out Tuesday, and includes remastered and expanded versions of their first two albums (including the Kill As One demo added to disc one), a disc of demo/unreleased cuts, and a dvd of press kit, rehearsal, and music video stuff. I was hoping MetalReview would get it for review, but we haven't. I was wanting a preview, but I guess I'll pick it up on Tuesday. Frolic Through the Park has NOT aged well, but The Ultraviolence is still a classic.
awesome, I had no idea anything like this was coming out.

would be cool to get, since i don't have their first two albums.
Well, if you're thinking of waiting until you hear the lowdown, I'll let you know my thoughts pretty quickly, as I'll be trying to review it as close to release as possible. I can give you the thumbs up or down before I get around to writing it up. I'm always interested in getting this stuff the week of release, so I can save some cash. Best Buy will sell it for $40 this week, and CDUniverse will have it for $31. I've got a BB gift card, so I'll get mine there.
Oh yeah, I'd heard about this, forgotten about it though...I guess because I have all their studio albums, it's not a high priority. I think I need to go check the tracklist again...
I don't have legit copies of either of their first two anymore. I've bought the first one twice over the years (once on cassette and once on cd) and the second one once. Over the years they...went away or something. I'd like to replace my cdrs.
If you've got all their stuff, the biggest selling points would be the demo, and the rarities disc, the DVD is a plus too. I'm interested to hear the remasters.
sounds awesome. I don't have the 1st disc any longer either.. have to pick it up somewhere
I've tried listening to this new Death Angel album several times... I'll listen to one song then turn it off. It's boring, monotonous, diatribe that will soil the good name of Death Angel when it is released.

Every time I switch the song I feel like I've switched to the same fucking song.

I am very disappointed.
I love Death Angel, but I do NOT care for that new song on Myspace. Sounds somewhat nu-metal like Lurch said. Er, Ozzfest friendly :erk:

...and that's a shame.