Death magnetic leaked

I've listened to album once through. The quality wasn't great but I've been able to draw conclusions from it. There's a lot to take in from just one listen, but my first impressions are that it's pretty damn good. Don't think it's as good as Kill, Ride or Puppets, but maybe it's on par with or just below Justice. Some nice thrashy riffs, a few groove orinetated riffs, decent solos and some catchy vocal lines. Drums are alright, some nice stuff here and there but to be honest I don't care too much for drumming as long as it fits the songs, which it does here.

Initial standouts are 'Suicide and Redemption' (instrumental), 'The Unforgiven III' and 'All Nightmare Long'. Initial disappointments are 'Cyanide' (although it's grown on me) and 'The Judas Kiss' (has some great parts but I don't feel it flows very well).

Overall, I'm satisfied. Won't be listening to it again until release day to keep it a little more fresh.
to me, Death Magnetic kicks ass hard. some pretty melodic parts in it but that not so bad, fits pretty good.
of course for hardcore 80s Thrash metal fans, this isnt the album of the year. these times are over, no question or illusion about it. but this record is good step far away from load / reload and even more away from St. Anger.
I like it a lot and can recommend to buy / download, what ever you want to. I preorderd the big package weeks ago and paid for it, so actually Im listening to songs I allready paid for. :D
metalli$a died in bus crash? no metallica died when dave mustaine leaved the band. dave mustaine written kill them all, thye stole his ideas.
I'll download the album, but I won't waste my money on any Metallica album pre-Load.

And they are trying to use the original logo in the new album. :mad:
Metallica all died in the bus crash. Most were just replaced by lazy, money-hungry, tone deaf dopplegangers.


Eh, the first few songs I heard from the album that were released gave me that impression, but I'm not so sure this album can hold up to Load. Load is a damn good hard rock album.

Load is not "damn good", and regardless of "what it is", it's not even in the same league as their earlier stuff.

metalli died in bus crash? no metallica died when dave mustaine leaved the band. dave mustaine written kill them all, thye stole his ideas.

Considering how vastly more creative RtL and MoP are in comparison, I'm really quite glad that Mustaine left and brought his inferior songwriting abilities to a different band.
Load is not "damn good", and regardless of "what it is", it's not even in the same league as their earlier stuff.

I never said anywhere that it was in the same league as the earlier stuff, did I?

Considering how vastly more creative RtL and MoP are in comparison, I'm really quite glad that Mustaine left and brought his inferior songwriting abilities to a different band.

Get out. Later Megadeth > Later Metallica by a HUGE fucking margin and Rust in Peace is better than every Metallica album except Kill 'Em All

Megadeth is a lethal force to be reckoned with, Metallica better watch out Dave has some serious ammunition this time.

If by 'serious ammunition', you mean 'recycled riffs', then I'd agree