Okay this thread's been dormant for a while, and so it's time to ressurrect it

- I'm kinda proud of it actually, it's turned into a long thread and the fights have been minimal... Just goes to show much Fenriz & Culto fucking rule.
I just received FOAD in the mail this evening.
The verdict is:
Like Hubster said, the attitude on this disc is really great.It really makes me want to get rowdy,headbang, smash shit, and shout along... CHUUURCH OF REAL METAL!!!!
Fucking OATH! I find that with all their records. Half their success imo is their attitude. Without it, their music, despite its simplicity, would be nothing.
Ooooh yeah. One of my favourite albums (and the only one I can play a song off so far

). Plus Fucked Up And Ready To Die is true black metal as black metal can get imo. Were I to choose one song to represent black metal, that would definitely be on the list
Darkthrone are one of those very consistently good bands despite changing their sound so many times throughout their career.
Soooo in agreeance on this one. Perfectly stated. I almost find in some ways that many of their works cannot be compared to one another. The only thing which has really remained consistent has been the attitude, and as said earlier, this makes whatever they do successful. It's kinda annoying how so many people slag everything after the first four. A real shame imo.
Darkthrone was one of those bands that took me a while to get into. About 6 years ago I listened to Transylvanian Hunger and Soulside Journey and neither did much for me but a couple years later I listened to them again and I was completely blown away. TH is pretty much perfect black metal, and SJ comes pretty close to being perfect death metal imo. I don't really care for their later stuff; I wouldn't recommend it. I don't know how much you're into black metal at this point but the more you get into it the more you'll learn to love Darkthrone, especially the stuff from their classic period. I guarantee it.
Agreed (aside from the comments post-first four records). Oddly enough, I hated Darkthrone for a number of years, and then one day, something just clicked, and ever since... fuck, I honestly believe they blow away 99% of current day black metal bands,
still. Sometimes I feel like everyone is just playing catchup, and these two beer drinking metal nerds are years ahead of the pack.
Now, a question for you all: how do you think Ted compares to other vocalists in Black Metal? Consider various performances across albums (Panzerfaust being a brilliant one). I really think Culto is one of the most under-rated black metal vocalists there is. He's fucking superb and nekro as fuck.