Dark Fucking Throne! (II)

His point still stands that the only Darkthrone album he likes is Soulside Journey.

You know, like he loves black metal, but doesn't like black metal Darkthone.
Seems like he just doesn't like 2nd wave BM.

he has burzum on his sig stupid.

just recently getting into dark throne, their older thrasy style black metal is great, but my favorite 2nd wave black metal band will probably always be burzum. Even tho I think marduk and immortal are the only 2nd waves bands I have yet to look into.
not really into DT myself, so no desire to check out the new album.

i dont like that artwork though... like wtf is that thing in the background on the right, it looks like a satanic r2d2 (or whatever that little round robot in star wars was called)
he has burzum on his sig stupid.

just recently getting into dark throne, their older thrasy style black metal is great, but my favorite 2nd wave black metal band will probably always be burzum. Even tho I think marduk and immortal are the only 2nd waves bands I have yet to look into.

liking 1 band from the 2nd wave doesn't mean he likes the whole thing. plus Burzum is quite different anyway.
I just think Darkthrone's black metal material is dull. Not to mention that Transilvanian Hunger, the most overrated black metal release of all time, spawned thousands of shitty copy bands.
i dont like that artwork though... like wtf is that thing in the background on the right, it looks like a satanic r2d2 (or whatever that little round robot in star wars was called)

It's an authentic WWII Native American tank.
This is such a relief. Darkthrone rules. I listen to Soulside Journey every night before I go to bed. It is some weird routine I do. Anyways, I am glad to hear about this new album and the arrival of it. I know a lot of people have lost interest in them, but there is still a handful that has not and I am in that handful. Spending $60.00 on this Darkthrone hoodie was so worth it. Now, I just need more money.
Never really tried any darkthrone other than soulside.

anyone want to tell me two of their albums I NEED to hear?

Under a Funeral Moon, Transylvanian Hunger. I dislike the new shit.
I'd like to hear some more DT. I've only heard the first 4. Panzerfaust and Sardonic Wrath look interesting. I heard that single from a couple years ago 'Too Old, Too Cold' sounded fucking awful to me.