Dark fucking Throne!

Yup... I was about to vomit when i heard their new album. I was like. This shit fucking sucks. But yes... Glad were clear on that.
You must be stupid becuase Dark Thones and Black Flags DOES NOT SOUND LIKE Darkthrone at all. I swear I listened to the entire album myself and their past works. Oh wait nevermind... FOAD and TCIA sound like the same shit too except they can get away with TCIA since it sounds mostly black metal. Thanks for pointing out my mistake. Otherwise its shitty crust punk with black metal elements.

:lol: Sonny I don't think you know what metal sounds like, let alone any bands. I see a wigga in your av, probably explains why.

The only person who denied the punk influences is Hubster. The two posts that I made about Darkthrone since you joined both mentioned them being influenced by punk music.

Read my post again Omni. Carefully this time?
I did read your post. You're clearly wrong, since the music and vocals (especially Fenriz) are often obviously quite heavily influenced by punk music, something that you wouldn't hear in an album like Transilvanian Hunger or other black metal albums.
Then maybe you should say whatever you were trying to say in a way that doesn't mean something that you weren't trying to say, since I'm responding to what you wrote. The newer albums are clearly punk-influenced, moreso than other Darkthrone or other black metal albums.
Darkthrone's new material has had constant shifts that I think are always amazing. F.O.A.D, Underground Resistance, and Eternal Hails have all had slightly different tones, but I think they still slap from the men themselves. Nocturno and Fenriz never seem to dissapoint, at least for me... (Except for Goatlord)