Dark fucking Throne!

Panzerfaust in particular. Besides their TH-esque songs, they sound like a blatant rip-off of Celtic Frost (but it's by no means a bad thing as far as I'm concerned).
Hit up some Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Death Angel, Iron Maiden, and even (early) Megadeth or Metallica before getting into FOAD or DTABF. Once you hammer those bands a bit, the approach of these last two records will make much more sense.

If after that, you still get nothing, I guess it's safe to say it's just not your thing <shrugs>
Yeah, I like all those bands except for Maiden and Death Angel, haven't heard much from them, I like Celtic Frost, Metallica, and Megadeth though, havent heard Hellhammer though since they are Celtic Frost I assume I'd like them.
Hit up some Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Death Angel, Iron Maiden, and even (early) Megadeth or Metallica before getting into FOAD or DTABF. Once you hammer those bands a bit, the approach of these last two records will make much more sense.

If after that, you still get nothing, I guess it's safe to say it's just not your thing <shrugs>

It's possible to like old bands and dislike newer Darkthrone you know.

It's my case and it's not because "I don't get it".
Riiight ok... I don't even recall directing my post at you. Specifically, it's not about someone "not getting it", I never actually said that. If it's not someone's thing, then that's cool, no problem. I'm not implying someone is lesser if they don't like it. Chill out.
Plenty of people who only enjoy the more extreme palette of death metal don't like Maiden. Big dealio.

it took me a long time but i finally got over my original dislike of maiden. i still wouldn't put them among my favourites by any stretch, and priest OWNS THE SHIT out of them, but a lot of their classic material is pretty damned cool.
I just received FOAD in the mail this evening.

The verdict is: :kickass:

Like Hubster said, the attitude on this disc is really great.It really makes me want to get rowdy,headbang, smash shit, and shout along... CHUUURCH OF REAL METAL!!!!

I just received Dark Thrones and Black Flags in the mail this evening.

The verdict is: :kickass:

Like Hubster said, the attitude on this disc is really great.It really makes me want to get rowdy,headbang, smash shit, and shout along... THE WINDS, THEY CALLED, THE DUNGEON SHAKER!!!!!

Seriously this disc kicks ass. Pick this shit up and play it loud. :kickass:

"Fenriz: 90s black metal is for little kids"

That's comming from a thread on the fmp forum.


That guy Antihumanism recieved this in private message from Fenriz himself:

Below is a message an angry Fenriz of Darkthrone sent me via myspace;

you go to MY space to shit in my pool?

i made AND recorded trans hunger in 2 WEEKS.

now i use 2-3 months to write one song. primitive is difficult. 90s black metal is easy and more or less for little kid.

go die.

Not that there's anything wrong with what they're doing now... it's just as ubercool.

I compare Darkthrone to Slayer when it comes to musical "progression/regression". Many people buy the new(er) albums because of the band's name and logo on the cover. Darkthrone might be selling more albums now than they did back in the day but it doesn't mean that the music is better. I don't expect them to record another "A blaze..." or "Transilvanian Hunger" and I understand that a band needs to move forward perhaps in a "new" direction but let's be honest, the newer stuff just doesn't cut it. The albums sell because it's Darkthrone, if it was some new band no one would care and after one listen most people wouldn't bother to spin the disc again because it isn't anything new. But because it's Darkthrone people try to find an excuse and force themselves to listen to it again and again until they have convinced themselves that they like the album. This is just my opinion and assumption. Same goes for Slayer - the name sells but the music sucks. The younger people love it because the first Slayer album they heard is "God hates us all".
I've seen Slayer on their latest tour and they only played 2 songs from their new album. All other songs were the classics from "Show no mercy" all the way up to "Seasons in the abyss". It's almost as if the band knows that their new albums suck ass and they decide to play the classics. What a way to promote your new album, two lousy songs!