Useless fucking assholes.


The Apprentice
Okay so last night my band had a show about 2 hours away from our hometown. There weren't many people there but a show is a show right? Well the night goes by and we eventually play our set which was actually really sloppy but that's beside the point. When I move my equipment off stage and walk over to my girlfriend who hand been standing towards the back of the venue, I realize she is shaking with rage. I was expecting her to say something about how someone from the pit knocked into her or something but I wasn't ready to hear what she told me. Apparently the useless fuck from another band was playing on his drum set almost the entire time we were playing. And he wasn't just lightly playing. She said he was trying to mimic our drummer as he played which I found a little humurous since I had seen him playing earlier and he was so fucking bad it was hard not to laugh.
I just can't understand why younger bands feel the need to be such fucking assholes. They think they are fucking holy or something and that they have the right to decide what music is and who should be allowed to play it. We stopped playing in our hometown because of the local hardcore scene(which is who he was with). These fucking pricks go to local shows just to do this sort of thing. They have no disregard for anyone except themselves or any other style of music. I'm fucking fed up with this shit.
If this ever happens again, I'm going to take his sticks and put a hole in his drum heads and shove them down his fucking throat.

I wish I had the ambition to type out everything about these people because this is maybe 3% of what we have to deal with and its all because we don't play original hardcore or prog metal.
I'm not saying that all hardcore people are bad people but every single one I've meet within a 100 mile radius has been a closed minded asshole for no reason.

There's my rant for the morning. Its nice to vent.

I just wish that we could achieve an understanding between genres. All of this is just completely unnecessary. It shouldn't matter how heavy or technical someone is or how well their music is written. If you don't like a band then don't listen right? There's no need to try and ruin their 30 minutes of fame. I'm not asking them to like us or support us. All I'm asking is to just let us be and talk shit all they want because I honestly don't care about that. But I might as well be asking for Jessica Alba to give me hand job and cook me a three-course meal while I'm playing video games.

I wish more people in the scene were as respectful as the people on this forum
Super lame man. I will never understand why so many people have this urge to put others down. Like you said, you don't have to think everything everyone does is the shit, but just leave them be. Respecting your fellow men must be really hard.
In the 80's, the same mentality made a lot of badass guitarists...

Don't be so butthurt, play tighter, tell your gf to not get butthurt and move on.

It's how bands are, fuck em.
I don't understand what the benefit is to being such a massive dickmouth. That's what you want right, to have local band after local band to think you're a bunch of asshats, because I know if a band pulled that shit on me I wouldn't be playing any more shows with them. Some people need to learn to separate their personal views from their business views. There are several bands in my local scene I really don't like, I'd still play a show with them. But my local scene doesn't have that many idiots in it, and you'll see a whole variety of metal bands play with each other.
Yeah they were actually added to the show last minute and had we known that they would be there, we would have dropped in a heartbeat. Like I said this was almost 2 hours away but it seems like no matter what this same group of people is always there. We try to get over it but after this shit happens over and over its hard to not get uber pissed :p

Honestly though I think we have handled these people pretty well. We have tried talking to a few of them and we never try to get back at them since it would just add fuel to the fire.
In not trying to come across as a whiny bitch. This is just really fresh in my mind and needed to vent a little. Who better to vent to than the professionals of the field? :D
I don't get it, Was his drumming heard by the public, or did it interrupt your show ?

If yes than that's a really lame move, if not.. he is still an asshole, but nothing to get upset or pissed about
I just wish that we could achieve an understanding between genres. All of this is just completely unnecessary. It shouldn't matter how heavy or technical someone is or how well their music is written. If you don't like a band then don't listen right? There's no need to try and ruin their 30 minutes of fame. I'm not asking them to like us or support us. All I'm asking is to just let us be and talk shit all they want because I honestly don't care about that. But I might as well be asking for Jessica Alba to give me hand job and cook me a three-course meal while I'm playing video games.

This is the best condensed version of my life-motto I've ever read, I hope you don't mind if I share and probably tatoo it across my body.
Played a show a month ago or so. After we played, some of our ladies were going around giving away free demos. FREE. This one fan of one of the other bands refused a free demo and said something like "I don't want that shit, FUCK their singer!"......

Like, I'm not one to get butthurt or really give a fuck about what people think, but shit like that is just plain rude. Even if I don't particularly like a band we play with, I always give them props, hand shake, even buy a cd or shirt just in hopes that one day they might do the same for my band.
I don't get it, Was his drumming heard by the public, or did it interrupt your show ?

If yes than that's a really lame move, if not.. he is still an asshole, but nothing to get upset or pissed about

Yeah he was playing full blast and apparently several people turned around and gave him the "what the fuck?" Look but he didn't stop. I couldn't hear it until the very end of our set but I was surrounded by monitors and amps.
Played a show a month ago or so. After we played, some of our ladies were going around giving away free demos. FREE. This one fan of one of the other bands refused a free demo and said something like "I don't want that shit, FUCK their singer!"......

Like, I'm not one to get butthurt or really give a fuck about what people think, but shit like that is just plain rude. Even if I don't particularly like a band we play with, I always give them props, hand shake, even buy a cd or shirt just in hopes that one day they might do the same for my band.

Exactly! Lately it seems that people like that are becoming more and more common. With my previous band everyone was so nice to us and complimented us even though we were atrocious. Now with the new band we certainly aren't warped tour material but we are much better than before and so many of the same people are complete assholes about it. I don't really want revenge. I just want to know WHY so I can attempt to work things out.

But yeah that's such a dick move that he did to you. Its not no big deal to turn down the CD but he didn't have to say that...
I have a similar story except we were just in the audience, not part of the bands or anything. A band was playing (grindcore) and we were standing halfway back near some tables. Well the drummer for the next band decided he wanted to do his rudiments with his fucking sticks on the table. Couldn't hear the band just ratatatatatatatat on the table.

It's like dude i paid 10 bucks to walk in here and listen to music, not your silly fuckin warm up routine.
Played a show a month ago or so. After we played, some of our ladies were going around giving away free demos. FREE. This one fan of one of the other bands refused a free demo and said something like "I don't want that shit, FUCK their singer!"......

Like, I'm not one to get butthurt or really give a fuck about what people think, but shit like that is just plain rude. Even if I don't particularly like a band we play with, I always give them props, hand shake, even buy a cd or shirt just in hopes that one day they might do the same for my band.

But, there's a difference between criticism and being disrespectful.
thats a big reason i dont play in the chicago scene anymore. absolutely no respect for anyone at shows. people acting like giant assholes. there was a couple times where said assholes were confronted, and they would back down like little pussies. it sucks but metal and hardcore are full of emotional little kids, regardless of age.
thats a big reason i dont play in the chicago scene anymore. absolutely no respect for anyone at shows. people acting like giant assholes. there was a couple times where said assholes were confronted, and they would back down like little pussies. it sucks but metal and hardcore are full of emotional little kids, regardless of age.

This actually wasn't far from Chicago. We were in Benton Illinois.:loco:
But, there's a difference between criticism and being disrespectful.

Right, but the band that this guy was here to see, their singer gave us some constructive criticism after the show was over. Not "fuck that band because I hate their vocals" or anything like that.

On a semi-related note: hate motherfuckers who are all "when are you gonna get a new singer" or "you need to do this or that"......bitch, YOU start a band and spend years doing it then say that to me again. :err: