Rant at bands fucking me around

Morgan C

Apr 23, 2008
Sydney, Australia
Let me preface this by saying that I'm recording (recorded in the case of one) these two bands for free, which is probably the root of my problems. Unfortunately I have zero clients.. the two that I'm talking about here I approached about recording trying to build up a name and discography. That hasn't worked at all.

First band recording went smoothly, everything was fine until I gave them the song and they uploaded it. Awesome. Except they took my mp3 and converted it into another mp3. God knows why but now it sounds awful obviously. I didn't bother them about that but I did ask them to put my name on their page saying I'd recorded them. I'd done the recording for free, its pretty fucking obvious that's the least they could do.

It took ONE MONTH for them to do that. ONE FUCKING MONTH. By which time any 'buzz' that may have been there at the release of the song is long fucking gone and no-one knows that I'm the engineer at all.

To top it off, the guy who runs the website is also the drummer, who is the worst drummer I have ever recorded. He was about 5-10 bpm out constantly. I had to edit fucking ghost notes because even they were ridiculously out of time.

Second band. Amazing players, the best mix I've done, except that its taken like 5 months. We did all the instruments in like 4 or 5 hours, really quick, then we were gonna do vocals but he had a cold. Then he had exams. Then more exams (to be fair, in his last year of school). Then schoolies (end of school celebrations.. everyone gets shitfaced for a week). Twice. Then I finally got him in, we tracked some clean guitars and then he tells me he's sick again.


So I book him in for the following week, which he cancels. Then he offers Thursday, and gets in a car crash (everyone involved is fine, but his car got totalled) the day before and chooses to spend Thursday filling in paperwork instead. He offers Saturday (today). I get an SMS at 1am last night saying he's out, hasn't worked on the lyrics at all, and will be hungover, can we do it another time.


I basically told him to fuck off until he could be assed to stop wasting my time and get his shit together. In somewhat nicer words.

I don't mind doing favours for people. I spent a fuckload of time editing both bands, got some good reamps for the second, was even going to get Slate to master the second band with his new plugin, but now I've delayed him so much I don't know if that's happening. I do mind people fucking me around, especially when (and probably BECAUSE) I'm doing this for free.

CUNTS! Yeh... some bands seem to have it in their heads recording is for free and they can fuck you about as much as they like. They are usually the hopeless ones that suck too. If a band won't pay for all the time you have put into this craft to generate your expertise, then they clearly dont respect you, nor what they would be getting out of it at the end- even if you are doing it to get your name about and for practice. Charging these twats lots of money makes them perform better thats for sure.
I hear ya, Morgan. It's aggravating as all hell, but unfortunately, part of the game. It's how we deal with this sort of crap that defines us.

I wish you the best of luck in navigating this minefield.
i was in this same situation when i started and what i found to be the best move i made was telling them to fuck off and started charging and found bands that had no idea about anything and were satisfied with crap products (i made one song of my own to show them to get them in the door, not hard to convince alot of peole) then from there they told all their friends and as my clientel gets bigger and my name gets out there more i'm getting better and better bands to record which has gradually made me get better at recording and be able to charge more and more for recordings and now i'm at the point where i'm able to pay most of my bills on just recording so i'm learning and getting paid. try it, you wont regret it
Thanks for everyone's support.

I would tell them to go fuck themselves, but this mix is really on a whole new level for me. Well above anything I've ever done, or will do in the near future (awesome players, awesome instruments). Its almost at the point where my ears are once again the weak point and I struggle to hear anything wrong with it at all, something I haven't experienced since I first started.

I hope this'll get sorted out soon. If not, well.. I don't know. There's really not a lot I can do, which fucking sucks.
Give them a deadline; and say after that point, you will start charging them. If they don't accept, delete all the recordings and say goodbye.