Kids in their mid teens give me the fucking shits (rant content)

EXACTLY! When I was a kid, if I fucked up, either my Mom made me walk into the backyard to pick the stick she'd beat me with, or my Dad would make me run up and down stairs damn near to the point where my heart stopped, on-top of month-at-a-time groundings.

What do kids get now? Their iPod's/Cellphones/Xbox 360's/Computers/Cigarette Privileges/Radios/TVs/*Insert ANY luxury most of us NEVER had as a kid here* are taken away. Pick any one of those and it's considered a proper punishment. MY FUCKING ASS, how does that teach a child respect?

For me it was kind of in between.
If i did something stupid.. like smash a windshield in with a piece of wood with nails in it i got my ass kicked, but if i didnt want to take out the trash they took away my Sega. ;)
I think I've been grounded twice in my life, the second time it got revoked. I've never had stuff taken away from me in either. So I don't think that these sort of punishments need to be in place to implant a degree of respect and if anything physical punishment can often just lead to resentment, not that I'm saying theres not a time and a place for it sometimes, but punishment has always been to a minimal degree in my family and I don't think its left me any the worse.

To be clear I dont want to get into a carrot or stick argument here, but I think in general parental neglect or disinterest is often a bigger factor for these sort of behaviours than what or how some sort of punishment is instilled.
I live in New Jersey...'Nuff Said

Yep , and I'm in Asbury Park most times... lol there are some real "tough guys" around here...
I remember one time cops were chasing a dude who stole something (yes he was black and no I'm not racist) and he tried to hop a fence and his sagging pants just fell all the way down and got caught on the fence , and the police just pulled him down... that was amazing. That dude was tough:notworthy
Everytime I see a first world thug wanna be I wonder how gangsta he would act on a favela 3 minutes from where I live.


-Not so tough now, fucker.

Haha hell yeah I'd love to send some AP cocksuckers there
Öwen;9146864 said:
I think I've been grounded twice in my life, the second time it got revoked. I've never had stuff taken away from me in either. So I don't think that these sort of punishments need to be in place to implant a degree of respect and if anything physical punishment can often just lead to resentment, not that I'm saying theres not a time and a place for it sometimes, but punishment has always been to a minimal degree in my family and I don't think its left me any the worse.

Sounds like you have been a good boy. :lol:
Harry, there's no better feeling than busting little fuckers like those over the head with a bit o' wood, and gauging their friends reactions when you ask if they'd like a taste ;)

There's no other possible way to put little peckerwoods like that in their place. Intelligence doesn't work, threatening to tell their folks doesn't work (ties into the no-respect issue which also ties into parents in areas like that being too poor/uncaring to even give a fuck about raising a child properly.) Hell even speaking to them in a calm, assuring manner doesn't work. The only thing that does is violence, and lordy, to wipe the shit-eating smirk off of some little asshole's face, and making them realize they're a complete toolbag wannabe fucknut makes any intelligent human's day. Only after that happens will they realize that it's completely wrong to fuck with people, because you may pick the 1/100 that knows 36 different ways to fuckin' kill a man from a dead standstill. No, I'm not pulling a tough-guy card. I lived in a VERY, VERY ghetto area (waking up to people dead on my lawn/etc) for 14 years, and have the general experience on how to handle things. My view may and will vary from most of yours, but it's worked so far through these 20 years of life/survival.

Kids. Are. Fucking. Stupid. The level of stupidity varies from culture to culture, unfortunately you had to deal with one of the lower tiers :lol:

Quality post!
Öwen;9146864 said:
I think I've been grounded twice in my life, the second time it got revoked. I've never had stuff taken away from me in either. So I don't think that these sort of punishments need to be in place to implant a degree of respect and if anything physical punishment can often just lead to resentment, not that I'm saying theres not a time and a place for it sometimes, but punishment has always been to a minimal degree in my family and I don't think its left me any the worse.

To be clear I dont want to get into a carrot or stick argument here, but I think in general parental neglect or disinterest is often a bigger factor for these sort of behaviours than what or how some sort of punishment is instilled.

I've had stuff of mine smashed and thrown away after been an asshole, or fighting haha, I think a bit of punishment is the only way some people will learn, I'm not a dick anymore though, I can't stand that type of douche bag teen who stands around in groups looking "tough", when really they are just a little punk ass bitch :lol:

Kids. Are. Fucking. Stupid. The level of stupidity varies from culture to culture, unfortunately you had to deal with one of the lower tiers :lol:

Why thank you :lol: I'm only 16 haha
When I was younger i was always in my room playing guitar. So my punishments was my step dad would take 4 random strings off my guitar and i wasnt allowed in my room unless i was going to sleep
Either way my point was in nj for every 1 decent person you meet, you also meet 38.5 "15-16 yr old gangsters"

I second this. I have been everywhere in Jersey, from rich towns like tewksbury, to super high crime areas like camden and newark. No matter where you are there are always "tough gangster" kids. I always meet people in NYC when i go skating in Midtown or the brooklyn banks(RIP) who are from far away, and when they never believe im from jersey cause im not a lowlife gangster or what I consider even worse, a "Jersey Shore, Fistpumping, Jaeger bomb Guido"

Just gotta learn to laugh at it. 99.99% of the time, they wont do anything

........except in newark or camdem........ dont go there ever..........
I've had stuff of mine smashed and thrown away after been an asshole, or fighting haha, I think a bit of punishment is the only way some people will learn, I'm not a dick anymore though, I can't stand that type of douche bag teen who stands around in groups looking "tough", when really they are just a little punk ass bitch :lol:

Why thank you :lol: I'm only 16 haha

You're a rare case, bro. I had no idea that you were 16, that alone says it all. :rock:
I've been waiting on a thread like this like a fat guy waits on a pizza delivery. Just for more laughs here's some thread-relevant comedy:

I'm almost 33 btw. That is all. [/fart]
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Öwen;9146864 said:
To be clear I dont want to get into a carrot or stick argument here, but I think in general parental neglect or disinterest is often a bigger factor for these sort of behaviours than what or how some sort of punishment is instilled.

Yes and no..

when I was growing up, if I got punished, I got punished. It might not have been some extreme punishment, but if it was decided that was it, no changing my parents' minds, no matter what I did.

Nowadays (and even with my parents with my sister), if the child doesn't get his way, the parents decide to punish, the child just acts up even more until the parent eventually relents and goes 'fine, do it'. Which is bs. The result is that they have no respect for anyone but their peers (if that, usually just themselves). Fucking PC culture, everyones shiny happy people and everyones fine just the way they are except everyone is shit.
Never been punished in my life.
Although it would be different if i lived with my father.

Never punished and i can proudly say i am politer than 90% of the people i meet.

Ruling with an iron fist isn't always the best way.
As a child i was free to do what i wanted to do, but i knew what was right and what was wrong and i knew to respect my elders.

I am 18 and i see a fuckload or disrespectful younger kids(not a lot younger).
None of them have ever been lippy to me, but if they did I would not hesitate to put them in there place if it ever got to that(although i doubt it ever would)
And just the fact that a lot of them walk in front of the elderly to hop on the bus, or don't get up to let a lady have a seat, or even move across.
Shits just rude and is basic fucking manners.
Öwen;9146864 said:
I think I've been grounded twice in my life, the second time it got revoked. I've never had stuff taken away from me in either. So I don't think that these sort of punishments need to be in place to implant a degree of respect and if anything physical punishment can often just lead to resentment, not that I'm saying theres not a time and a place for it sometimes, but punishment has always been to a minimal degree in my family and I don't think its left me any the worse.

To be clear I dont want to get into a carrot or stick argument here, but I think in general parental neglect or disinterest is often a bigger factor for these sort of behaviours than what or how some sort of punishment is instilled.

I'd agree with this.

There needs to be an understanding on the child's part of why they were in the wrong, and they must choose not to do it again of their own accord. This is the only way education ever works - if the other party is actually listening. Beating them whenever they fuck up is the same as telling them they will go to hell if they sin; you're just obfuscating bad behavior with stupidity and fear. The understanding in and of itself that you have done something wrong should be enough to spur change within. So many of the human race lack this, which is why they need to hide behind biblical nonsense to rationalize their worth as anything higher than evolved pieces of shit.

Punishment is just reprisal. It makes the wronged party feel better because their sense or revenge/justice is sated. The one on the receiving end of the punishment would usually start to feel resentment, unless they were clear on how they transgressed, and actually accepted they were in the wrong. If you actually need punishment to tell you that you're doing something wrong then you're useless and doomed from the start. The knowing, in and of itself, that you have done something incorrect should be enough to spur change within.