Useless fucking assholes.

Wow, and nobody from the venue went over to that fucktard and made him stop? Back in the day when I worked at a local youth center, we'd damn sure make that bitch stop. Sucks dude.
thats a big reason i dont play in the chicago scene anymore. absolutely no respect for anyone at shows. people acting like giant assholes. there was a couple times where said assholes were confronted, and they would back down like little pussies. it sucks but metal and hardcore are full of emotional little kids, regardless of age.

Yea, we got a band around here, basically an Avenged Sevenfold ripoff down to the fingerless gloves and shitty harmonized leads. Incredibly disrespectful to other musicians, actively and publicly talking shit about the headlining national acts on shows they are lucky enough to be playing, but then they're surprised when they get booted from the show or banned from the venue. I have witnessed them bitch about not getting a dressing room and for having an opening slot on a show.... and then drawing a whopping 7 people. When my singer mentioned doing a new record, the drummer stated "yea, I can shove a mic up my ass and shit out a record, too." That was said TO MY SINGER'S FACE with the rest of my band around him. I'm still amazed he didn't get his ass handed to him.

There's more, but just talking about that bit has gotten me somewhat worked up. Assholes.
Cape Girardeau, eh? That's where I was born and raised. I wasn't aware there was a music scene that consisted of anything more than Bob Camp's bar band.

Haha wow small world! Well there used to be a small metalcore/hardcore scene here a few years ago but it kind of fizzled out, especially after several touring bands got fucked over by a guy running shows who would leave before paying the bands. There have been a few shows since but they have all been pretty shitty.

Wow, and nobody from the venue went over to that fucktard and made him stop? Back in the day when I worked at a local youth center, we'd damn sure make that bitch stop. Sucks dude.

Unfortunately nobody did :bah: It was a pretty small show so there wasn't any security or anything. But i believe our vocalist talked to the guys who set it up about the band that did this and it's safe to say that we wont have to worry about them being at these shows anymore :p
Wow, and nobody from the venue went over to that fucktard and made him stop? Back in the day when I worked at a local youth center, we'd damn sure make that bitch stop. Sucks dude.

so much truth to this

shit, even if i was in the crowd and saw some other douche bashing on a drum kit during someone's set, i'd be telling him to have some respect and shut the fuck up myself!
Played a show a month ago or so. After we played, some of our ladies were going around giving away free demos. FREE. This one fan of one of the other bands refused a free demo and said something like "I don't want that shit, FUCK their singer!"......

Like, I'm not one to get butthurt or really give a fuck about what people think, but shit like that is just plain rude. Even if I don't particularly like a band we play with, I always give them props, hand shake, even buy a cd or shirt just in hopes that one day they might do the same for my band.

When I have free promos I walk around holding them up and ask if anyone wants a free CD. Usually I don't have to if I tell the crowd before the last song that we'll have free CD's.
I don't like wasting them anyway and would rather give to people who will actually listen to them.
Anyways I think this strategy might curb some disrespect or awkwardness to people who don't want your CD. Sure you might miss out on some people who are too shy to ask but usually once people start asking and they see them handed out they warm up to you and ask for it.
This has happened several times at shows that I've worked, and I've always gone over to the drummer and told him to shut the fuck up. Even when you hit them lightly, drums/cymbals still carry even over a loud rock mix. If you wanna do that shit bring a practice pad and go play in the dressing room.

Same deal with dudes playing their drums all out during a changeover. Shut the hell up! I have straight screamed at guys from the stage before.

I feel your rant just as hard as you do man. It's annoying and very disrespectful to the band playing and the people in the venue that came to see the show.
People who try to load their stuff on stage in a small venue when you haven't even begun getting yours off; and are going as quick as you can need to go fuck themselves too.
Same deal with dudes playing their drums all out during a changeover. Shut the hell up! I have straight screamed at guys from the stage before.

As a drummer, this is absolutely one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. When I'm playing a show, I set my kit up, then get the hell out of the way so whoever's running sound can set up their mics. When they're done, I wait for them to call out which drums they want before asking for the full kit. As soon as they give the thumbs up, the sticks are put down. I've helped run sound before, and I've nearly punched drummers for wailing away while I'm trying to place a snare mic.

I don't understand why so many drummers are such assholes when it comes to this - no buddy, you're not Neil Peart, so stop trying to play YYZ while everyone's trying to move their gear on/off the stage. It's loud, annoying, and a guaranteed way to piss off the sound crew and make everyone in the place think you're a douche.
People who try to load their stuff on stage in a small venue when you haven't even begun getting yours off; and are going as quick as you can need to go fuck themselves too.

Got into a right barney with a guy from a band a few years back over this. I was packing my shit up, quickly as I could, but at the time I had a lot more pedals and stuff that I was using. I mean, if I was taking 20 minutes, sure... give me some shit. But this guy barely gave me 3 minutes before he came onto the stage, grabbed my stuff and started taking it off himself, regardless of whether any of it was uncased, or still plugged in or whatever.

Had a proper fucking go at the cunt too. Haven't ever played with the band since, in fact I'm pretty sure they disbanded, and we're still going strong, so fuck him.