Dark fucking Throne!

Reading the comments over pages re: FOAD, I feel that while Fenriz & Culto may not have been consistent in style (which I don't feel is a bad thing at all), they've been very consistent in attitude and I think this stands out across the entire catalogue (save SSJ). Personally I'm overall happy with all their works and feel they're quite worth remaining faithful towards.
I just received FOAD in the mail this evening.

The verdict is: :kickass:

Like Hubster said, the attitude on this disc is really great.It really makes me want to get rowdy,headbang, smash shit, and shout along... CHUUURCH OF REAL METAL!!!!
I have all their stuff and have heard them many times.A Blaze in the Northern Sky was the first one I bought and it's very cool.But the ones I still listen to the most are "Hate Them" and "Total Death" all their stuff is cool though but a few can get stale if played too often,like Transilvanian Hunger and Goatlord although the styles on those two albums are almost opposite.I like the new direction they're taking with the F.O.A.D. release as well,but to anyone I would suggest Hate Them and Total Death,those two seem to have the most staying power,maybe Under A funeral Moon as the third one followed by Ravishing Grimness.Hope that's helpful
I think Darkthrone is a major metal band, even if they came up with some wrong albums, they recorded some classics.

So what are your favourite DT albums, and of course, what do you think about their new musical orientation?

EDIT: oops does somebody could move this message to General Metal Discussions?
IMO, Transilvanian Hunger is the best, but i like new stuff like F.O.A.D. and also very old ones... Soulside Journey is a killer album