Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

you won't find thrash metal riffs on a rock album iirc

Agreed. It's definitely nothing like "Fuel" or "Aint my Bitch". I hated those songs to an unhealthy level....and I actually really dig the new Metallica.

Not better than Black (I mean come on...Enter Sandman, Sad But True, Of Wolf and Man, Wherever I may Roam, Holier than thou, Unforgiven...etc, etc, etc.), but I do think it's at least the spiritual successor to the Black album.

It's hard to forget the last couple of decades of shitty music, but I'm not gonna be the guy whining that Metallica sucks because they don't do metal anymore and then continue to hate them when they do decide to go back to the kind of music they should have been doing all along.

DM is not a legendary masterwork, but it is some easily head-bangable music and I don't feel embarrassed playing it in my car at all.

I hated The Day That Never Comes when I first heard it, and I still hate parts of it, but somehow it's grown on me.

But yeah, the album is really nothing too special. Not bad, but it's the kind of album that I'll probably wear out in a week or so and then hardly ever, if ever play it again. I did the same thing with Load, and now I can't stand that album.

If I went here first and saw the comments about it being "fucking awesome" and such, I know I would have been disappointed.

Considering how much better it is than their previous 3 albums, though, I think it deserves some recognition at least.
i just heard the whole album's fanfckingtastic! maybe it is because my expectations were too low? HELL NO

the album blends every area of their music pretty well. i would like to ask those who didnt like it: what were you expecting?
I just have to say that releasing St. Anger was probably the best thing that ever happened to this new album. Despite what you think of the album, everyone says "at least it's not St. Anger II".
I think it's a lot better than the black album.

Same. It's far more musically interesting than anything since AJFA. The Black Album has a few classics on it which this album lacks, but much of that album was disposable, bland hard rock with nothing interesting in it (Enter Sandman, Of Wolf and Men, The Struggle Within, Don't Tread on Me, etc). Almost all of this one is amusing.
This cd is more interesting than anything they have released in the past well almost twenty years. Sure some songs off of Black were good but I actually like this cd. It's weird how a band like Metallica who was on top of the metal world and now are struggling to make its old fans happy. I know we all want the days of MoP and AJFA days but honestly those days and the sound of that time are hard to come by. Load and Reload was weird way for them to go. Not to sure why they wanted to go less heavy and thrashy. I think I would give it 3/4 stars.
Im sorry but Metallica's time is over. I cant see them making a comeback. Hate on me all you want but I see this failing miserably. I mean they were at Ozzfest for god sakes. That should be a sign that they are finished.

Well hate to brake it to ya but.... this album is getting a giant buzz and not just cause there are a few people out there who want to hear new metallica but because it seems that 99% of the people (from top notch music journalists to good old metal fans around the world) are praising the new album. Its rare that you hear this much good stuff on any any album release be it Opeth or the Jonas brothers.

So you and your predictions can take a long hike... cause Metallica is here to stay!!

Death Magnetic :kickass:
^Olet väärässä ;)

Brr. I just might never wanna listen to any more Metallica songs/albums, (ajfa and black album excluded, they're ok).
They're like really bad role models for a new generation of young musicians. These youngsters will get the impression that it's ok to be talantless/write non-decent songs.

But of course, these are just my two cents. Fans should take no offence.
^Olet väärässä ;)

Brr. I just might never wanna listen to any more Metallica songs/albums, (ajfa and black album excluded, they're ok).
They're like really bad role models for a new generation of young musicians. These youngsters will get the impression that it's ok to be talantless/write non-decent songs.

But of course, these are just my two cents. Fans should take no offence.
What popular bands display more talent/write "decent" songs? They were the gateway to the world of things beyond pop music for a gigantic number of people who are now Opeth fans. You might not remember, but back in middle school/high school a lot of people pretty much just listen to what they get through their friends, not through obscure nerdy internet sites, and as a result Enslaved or whoever you are championing isn't going to be inspiring legions of kiddies to pick up the guitar and look further into metal. The metal/prog world is lucky to have metallica, and especially lucky that they've released an album this good.

Inc "wtf we dont want more fans like that anyway tehyl be UNTR00"
Their older material works just fine as a gateway to better bands and it sure worked for me.

Watch out kids, Metallica is a gateway band, sure to lead to the heavy stuff!!! Sorry, couldn't resist. :)

And I totally agree with you guys...back in the day, we were really lucky to discover bands like Metallica, Megadeth, Anthrax etc. And it was all done way before the internetz. Forget about finding out about bands from far away places like...Stockholm!
The only problem with Metallica being a 'gateway band', which they certainly were for me, is that once you get into the musical crack that is, say, Opeth for example, it's hard to get any high from the milder stuff (and by milder I don't mean 'less heavy'). Which is probably why I'm bored with the three new Metallica songs I've heard so far; I'm just into spicier things these days.
I managed to get a hold of the album, and fuck me it is awesome!!!! The first 2 songs are worth buying the album for alone. James is back as rhythm king and Kirk obviously has been practicing. Only gripes are Lars drumming and lack of Rob Trujillo in the mix. Lars has never been the best drummer but it sounds like they used all the good mics for the toms and bass drums and the shit ones for the cymbal and share. I keep imagining these songs with Lombardo on drums. But other than that the songs are good, vocals good, riffs and solos are awesome. I will be buying it first thing on Saturday no question.