Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

People set in your mind frame shouldn't even bother wasting their time, I guarantee you won't like it since your mind is made up before even hearing the whole album.

For those interested I got some more info off the Met boards.

About the album title:
- Death Magnetic is a lyric from My Apocalypse

About tracks:
- 14 songs recorded
- 11 songs mixed
- 10 made it to the album
- left out track is called 'Shine' and is bound to surface some time some where

About The Unforgiven III:
- They jammed on some song that felt like a nephew to the other Unforgivens
- So they dubbed it Unforgiven III (no pun intended)
- Lars described is as an mix between the Unforgiven and Dyers Eve
(though I think he ment that lyrically rather than musically, because he said it was very dark and moody)

About The New Song (or as Lars called it Glass Cow):
- Riffs from this song where used in two songs
- The mid-section can be heard on All Nightmare Long
- The intro will be in The End Of The Line

About lyrics:
- Lars said the lyrics are very dark.
- About death, suicide, betrayal etc.
- He said he was shocked the first time he read them.
- Hetfield seems very happy, but from the lyrics he gathered that there's still quite a storm in James' head

This sounds quite interesting...lyrics about death/suicide/betrayal could be quite interesting since Metallica have never really dealt with that subject matter before, especially suicide. Fade to Black is the only song that comes to mind for suicide...
I do like the idea of Unforgiven III, as the first two as some of my favorite tracks.

However, I just heard a clip from Cyanide and it is totally uninspiring. It's not bad, just doesn't have any edge. And James really needs to stop singing like that. If he wants to croon, he should do a country album or start a lounge act.
I am so very excited. Yes, I am a Metallica fanboy, but... with Bob Rock out of the goddamn picture
(finally), I think it's inevitable that the guys will still have some decent material left in the tank.
I'm encouraged enough to make this the first Metallica album I've purchased since the day the Black album was released. And I will probably go see them live in December for the first time since...ever.
The new samples sound awesome. I like that they put the intro to The New Song (I've also heard they put in the solo section and the heavy riff after it) into the final product, because I always thuoght it was good!

I like it, I don't dig the sound of the cleans too much but it's ok, nice instrumental outro.