Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

Sounds better than I expected, which wasn't much.

I have to say though, the whole "back to the Puppets" era seems a bit forced in this song - the structure of the song is exactly like the "ballady" songs back then (Fade,Sanitarium and One), and while nothing is wrong with that musically, I would've liked something new instead of something old.
I have to say though, the whole "back to the Puppets" era seems a bit forced in this song - the structure of the song is exactly like the "ballady" songs back then (Fade,Sanitarium and One), and while nothing is wrong with that musically, I would've liked something new instead of something old.

See that's just it. I'm not expecting them to (nor do I want them to) release Master of Puppets Part II. I don't want them to put out something that's already been done. But what I *was* hoping for (and am still hoping for, despite this song) is a resurgance of the old energy and vitality the band had back during that time period. Like I said, I just don't hear that hunger...that "We're here and we ain't takin' no fuckin' prisoners" attitude. I don't hear that vitality anymore. Sure the song is faster and more aggressive. But it still sounds like they are phoning it in. Or at least that was just my one opinion.

Hope the rest of the songs prove me wrong.
I listened again, and Lars's drum fills are simplistic and above all, boring. Nickelback is heavier than this, people.

I know.
Is this his drumkit or what?


The last 2 minutes in this song must be hella fun to drum. :Smug:

And then you see this... (1:12)

Yeah.. must be hard as hell to learn that shit.
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Well I thought it sounded decent, I do agree with the drums being very boring, and the fast (snare drum?) fills reminded me of hound dog by elvis presley actually :p haha

but yeah, I think I will buy this album, I thought cyanide was good as well and I would be happy to sponsor metallica when they at least put out decent music. Also, I am quite a fan of rob I suppose, he plays the flamingo like no other! (not really, but he plays it good!)

anyway its still better than all the damn crap metalcore bullshit out there, and yeah, I am a fan I guess
I got this off the Met boards.

"Metallica Fans...

My name is Benjamin. I work in fan support for Mission:Metallica.

I am sorry for the bulk e-mail, but we've heard from quite a few of you regarding the sound quality on the single release of "The Day That Never Comes."

The source of the problem, as you might imagine, goes all the way back to the creation of the track from master - but this is not how it will sound on the album.

We've identified the source of the problem to prevent it in any subsequent singles released in advance of September 12.

If we can have another one put together and sent out prior to that date, there may be a higher-quality release of "The Day That Never Comes" made available, but I can't guarantee it at this time.

Thank you,

wow......people can feckin promote a million/gazillion dollar selling band in off toipc...yet when us musicians post or promote our lil bitty bands.....we get banned or moved to that 1 thread that no one vists.....great.....makes perfect sense............PEAC EOUT
People set in your mind frame shouldn't even bother wasting their time, I guarantee you won't like it since your mind is made up before even hearing the whole album.

...and that's probably why I won't bother. I've moved on. They kicked my greasey, zit-faced ass up until ...And Justice, but I really don't even have the interest anymore. I just don't care anymore.
wow......people can feckin promote a million/gazillion dollar selling band in off toipc...yet when us musicians post or promote our lil bitty bands.....we get banned or moved to that 1 thread that no one vists.....great.....makes perfect sense............PEAC EOUT

The difference, you see, is that people actually give a shit about Metallica...
wow......people can feckin promote a million/gazillion dollar selling band in off toipc...yet when us musicians post or promote our lil bitty bands.....we get banned or moved to that 1 thread that no one vists.....great.....makes perfect sense............PEAC EOUT

you want to promote your band, go play live somewhere because you won't get anywhere here.:ill:
yeah promoting metallica here is really odd.....i mean are u looking to convert more fans or waht.....also there are other texans on this thats why I someitmes like to post music....coz we play in Austin n San Antonio...and maybe those guys can catch us...eitehr way...i tink its silly that this thread is allowed to stand ........i dont really even like metallica anymore...and that song ssux donkey balls.....its like they couldnt come up with somethign original and jsut recycled old song parts and made a new one......everythign about it is contrived, derived and horrid...down to guitar tone and has hit a new if that was possible after that crap they put out..SHIT ANGER.......PEAC EOUT
lol, reading the last pages of this thread make me see who the true metallica fan boys are. :p
its like they couldnt come up with somethign original and jsut recycled old song parts and made a new one......everythign about it is contrived, derived and horrid...

sound familiar?

lmao stop complaining, you are truly the only one who gives a shit about your band on this forum. I'm not really in love with these new Metallica songs at all, but to describe them with words that would more appropriately describe your own music is
Guys, check out "Remember Tomorrow" on their Myspace page. I didn't like The Day that Never Comes, but this one is much better. I still need more crunchiness, but I find myself liking it anyway.
Guys, check out "Remember Tomorrow" on their Myspace page. I didn't like The Day that Never Comes, but this one is much better. I still need more crunchiness, but I find myself liking it anyway.

u do knwo thats a cover of Maiden..(opeth covered it too).....and I dont see how its any better tan waht ure average garage abnd could've done.....James has lost his voice.....theres nothign there for them now....the roblem with metallica is....they are technically and musically limited....anythign they try to do been done to death in the last 20 years.....and some bands haev done it even better than them........sux to be 'tallica in this century......hahaha....not really...they still make more money than al teh metal bands combied prolly....!!!!....hahaha...but yeah msucially they are done for......PEAC OEUT