Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

I just heard the song My Apocalypse, and it rocks. Its the fastest, thrashiest song I have heard by them since Dyers Eve.

yes, indeed, it rocks! it's another step up! hope is really returning that Death Magnetic might at least be a decent release on average. it will prolly not be a masterpiece, but maybe also not album to be ashamed of.
My god metallica suck phlegm encrusted donkeys balls.

And all the old metallica fans are gonna lap this tripe right up. ZOMG IT'S JUST LIKE PUPPETS..

Metal today is such a hugely diverse genre filled to the brim with absolute music genius.. Yet people are still stuck on this old tired band.

With metallica it is a case of too little, too late.

Only thing metallica could do to impress me, is keep the complexity of master and justice, yet drop the verse chorus structure, and adopt a progressive structure, and like use their fucking brains instead of rehashing this fuckin poo. Blah.

That song was poo.

Look, no one is pretending this is more metaul than the latest release by Nun Impalement or more progressive than Hexagonal Chromosphere's newest. It's a fascination with one of the iconic figures in the genre, and seeing them pull something off that's even remotely entertaining is sort of like seeing the Cubs make the playoffs or something. They're old, they're grizzled, they're washed up, basically everyone hates them, but it looks like there's still a flicker of life in there somewhere and a lot of us are very curious to hear what they can do and will be pleased on some level if they succeed in any way in making a halfway decent album. This makes anything they release far more interesting to us than superior releases by no-name bands. It's not just about the music. This is why all the "boo this sucks go listen to Testament" talk is so tiresome, I couldn't care less about this genre, much less Testament, I'm simply interested cause it's Metallica and it's like following some ongoing sordid reality show or something. I used to adore them, and thus follow all their releases with some interest.
yes, indeed, it rocks! it's another step up! hope is really returning that Death Magnetic might at least be a decent release on average. it will prolly not be a masterpiece, but maybe also not album to be ashamed of.

Im enjoying this because I thought I would never hear Metallica thrash again, I thought they sold out for good but they didn't. They are now saying playing fast and heavy is fun again, I saw picture of Hetfield at Reading and looks like he is growing his hair long again. Like many, I was not crazy over the last 3 albums, and im not expecting them to be like their youthful days, but there is still some fuel burning in their engines and to me thats is enough to stay interested in a band that has inspired me in many ways. Yes Lars drumming could be a little better, but Metallica is aband thats not super technical, they are a band the writes from the heart, plays from the heart using feeling not technicality. They play by ear and instinct, and it shows in Hets lyrics, and moody riffs. They have got back on the right road with DM, hopefully they can continue down this road and keep it metal...maybe put a few more decent albums out before their time is up.:cool:
Let's not say anything we can't take back....

Metal is like sports, if your a true fan then you root for your team even if they suck at the time. Their lineup for the year might suck, but they may get better plays next year. THis is how I see it, my team has sucked for the past 14 years, now finally some decent plays on the team now, but may never be as good when they kept winning the series everyear in the 80's. My team is getting closer to retirement everyear, I want to see them win again before they dissapear into the past forever. Ok enough of drunken rant...burp.

I know Metallica are not musical geniuses, thats why I say they are more about writing riffs that come out spontaneous, and base it on what feels right and what doesn't.
Metal is like sports, if your a true fan then you root for your team even if they suck at the time. Their lineup for the year might suck, but they may get better plays next year. THis is how I see it, my team has sucked for the past 14 years, now finally some decent plays on the team now, but may never be as good when they kept winning the series everyear in the 80's. My team is getting closer to retirement everyear, I want to see them win again before they dissapear into the past forever.

I love the new single. The first half sounds like a cross between One, The Unforgiven and some Load vibe, but the instrumental outro sounds so much like something straight out of Justice. As someone who loved all of Metallica's material (with the exception of St. Anger), I think this new song shows a more mature, ripe Metallica that sounds more complete than anything. The new song is pretty staggering in my opinion, and my expectations for Death Magnetic have been heightened thanks to it.

What a LOAD!
'20 Years of Sucking and Counting' - a division of the Metallica Corporation, Lars Ulrich Incorporated
Look, no one is pretending this is more metaul than the latest release by Nun Impalement or more progressive than Hexagonal Chromosphere's newest. It's a fascination with one of the iconic figures in the genre, and seeing them pull something off that's even remotely entertaining is sort of like seeing the Cubs make the playoffs or something. They're old, they're grizzled, they're washed up, basically everyone hates them, but it looks like there's still a flicker of life in there somewhere and a lot of us are very curious to hear what they can do and will be pleased on some level if they succeed in any way in making a halfway decent album. This makes anything they release far more interesting to us than superior releases by no-name bands. It's not just about the music. This is why all the "boo this sucks go listen to Testament" talk is so tiresome, I couldn't care less about this genre, much less Testament, I'm simply interested cause it's Metallica and it's like following some ongoing sordid reality show or something. I used to adore them, and thus follow all their releases with some interest.

I hope your "boo this sucks go listen to Testament" thing wasn't in reference to what I wrote earlier in comparing what the new 'Tallica to Testament. Because, in large part, I agree with you, Wank. There's a sense of drama about this because they're an important part of metal's history. I remember a day when you would never hear metal on the radio. I remember the first time I heard Metallica on the radio, and I wondered if the rest of the listening audience was ready for them. "But," I thought, "Enter Sandman is one thing. Master of Puppets, though... I can't imagine that ever getting airtime." Well, times have changed. And they really pioneered that shift into the mainstream. So, I will continue to follow them because they're like a part of my history.

My earlier comment about Testament (not a band I've ever really been into, btw) is that they have released something that A) sounds good, and B) isn't merely interesting for nostalgia's sake. Which, so far, is all I can really say about the new Metallica tracks. I'm interested in James and the gang in a sort of "rubbernecking-at-a-car-wreck" way, but I also wish they could produce material that is at least as good as the stuff produced by the new bands who drew their inspiration from them.
Well all Metallica seem to be doing lately is making me :erk: actually I've had that face towards them for a while now. The cover was ok, the new tracks are pretty poor iyam, not a fan of the name or cover of the album either. I guess I'll spin it when the whole thing is out, but unless the rest of the tracks are fucking incredible, they won't get any cash off me. Which will probably mean lars will have to wait an extra week to get that gold plated fish tank. "See, how downloading music affects people".
you Metallibashers are so cool, I want to be 12 years old like you too.

Just calling it like it is. Besides, I am a fan of the band (just not as of late).

And the criticism is well warranted. Anyone who can't tell how tired they sound really needs to open his eyes (and ears).
Well all Metallica seem to be doing lately is making me :erk: actually I've had that face towards them for a while now. The cover was ok, the new tracks are pretty poor iyam, not a fan of the name or cover of the album either. I guess I'll spin it when the whole thing is out, but unless the rest of the tracks are fucking incredible, they won't get any cash off me. Which will probably mean lars will have to wait an extra week to get that gold plated fish tank. "See, how downloading music affects people".

....and britney wont have a surround system in her private JET DVD system.......its so unfair....celebrities living to live a life of heart aches....PEAC EOUT