Death Magnetic - Out Sep. 12 Worldwide

^lol such a good episode. "all this child dreams of is a tropical island paradise, will he get his island? Who knows.." :lol: can't wait for season 12 to start back from it's season break.
metalheads really have to be the dumbest demographic of people

Are metalheads dumber than, say, rap...heads? Or your typical pop fan? At least I get the sense that a lot of metalheads read. Albeit, it may be D&D manuals... Seriously, do you think rap has the pseudo-philosophers that metal bands seem to draw? (I'm thinking of a certain American Nihilistic website, for example...) These people may have their heads up their asses about some things, but at least they're engaged in something intellectual.

But seeing as how I know nothing about rap, I could be wrong. Perhaps somewhere on the interwebz, some Eminem fans are engaged in a furious debate about whether Slim Shady is a Nietzchean ubermensch.

To be more on topic about this, I remember that Metallica sent me to the dictionary on a few occasions. The most memorable being, "You've reached your nadir." Nadir? Iron Maiden also inspired me to read a lot of the stuff they based their songs on (Colerige, Heinlein, Dune, etc.).
You're talking to the wrong guy. He's even said that he doesn't give a shit about Opeth's lyrics.
What a LOAD!
'20 Years of Sucking and Counting' - a division of the Metallica Corporation, Lars Ulrich Incorporated
I'm glad to see the intellectual level of people on the Internet rising so sharply.

I don't get comments like "they soudn tired, open your ears". I thought the sound of music was completely subjective.
My apocalypse has some cool leads, but otherwise it sounds like an uninspired song from a band that tries too hard to 'go back to the good old days'.
'The day' is like a mishmash of Loads and the past glories and the second half sounds forced.

But that's just an opinion of someone who used to be a total fan and is now pretty sick of the band's musical choices. :)

Still it's probably the best thing they did since .... :D
I thought the sound of music was completely subjective.

The hills are alive with the sound of music
With songs they have sung for a thousand years
The hills fill my heart with the sound of music
My heart wants to analyze subjective audial discussion on an Opeth board.
has anyone listened to the riffs they've posted on their site? there's a little sample of each song...i'm not going to base my entire opinion of DM thus far on these little snippets, but they sound ok i guess. i'm guessing track 9 is the instrumental, i thought maybe 7 was but i realized that's supposed to be the unforgiven III...

I hear a live version of i a while back......and now heard this one too.....again....a mere meh....will suffice.....its alright....notihng to make me jump out of my chair.....haaaa......PEAC EOUT
Supposedly, a French music shop sold two preview copies of Death Magnetic. The two fans made some photos:





If this is true we can expect a leak soon.
i dunno if i get it, even during master of puppets era metallica i didnt really enjoy it