Death Metal Singing


Anders on The Jester Race, Whoracle is the master of growling.

On Colony and Clayman he was a great singer!

Reroute to Remain shows some quality singing stamina, though I would agree with you for the later albums however guitarwork in later albums fails to show the quality it used to soo I guess I disagree with you as a whole.

To me Anders just sounds like he's out of breath with every word he growls, I haven't gotten over it yet, but I also don't listen to them that much...

On the Opeth thing, its possible to do music that heavy with no growls for the most part but Mike has never really proved himself capable of expressing much anger and rage in clean vocals like some other vocalists have. (He might suck at it, he might not care for it, he might have never tried, w/e)
Well, when I did not know a shit about growling, I still liked Behemoth - Slaves Shall Serve. Some people like it, some don't.
To me Anders just sounds like he's out of breath with every word he growls, I haven't gotten over it yet, but I also don't listen to them that much...

On the Opeth thing, its possible to do music that heavy with no growls for the most part but Mike has never really proved himself capable of expressing much anger and rage in clean vocals like some other vocalists have. (He might suck at it, he might not care for it, he might have never tried, w/e)

Totally respectfully, just asking, did you listen to Colony and/or Reroute to Remain? Especially on Reroute to Remain he makes such looong cries.. (and he manages to pull them off live to some extend)
Totally respectfully, just asking, did you listen to Colony and/or Reroute to Remain? Especially on Reroute to Remain he makes such looong cries.. (and he manages to pull them off live to some extend)

don't get me wrong, because i am still a huge in flames fan, but i think clayman was really the last cd where anders' growls were in top form. i like the later albums more for the reason that in flames haven't been afraid to experiment somewhat with their sound without straying too far from their roots. but anders weakness, to me, is his clean vocals, not saying they're bad, metaphor is a really good song and it fits his voice well as does come clarity. that being said, he can still growl live with the best of them.
I understand not being able to listen at death metal growls at first, but it's something you get used to (for my own, I've always being listening to that, so I don't know how I managed to like it this much). I'd understand not liking some band's growl, but you really get to love Opeth's vocals in everyway! I think it's one of the most likeable/wanted death growl in the metal industry

Totally respectfully, just asking, did you listen to Colony and/or Reroute to Remain? Especially on Reroute to Remain he makes such looong cries.. (and he manages to pull them off live to some extend)

I think Anders' vocals are just very unique (and far away from Opeth). He has his own still and that is something I respect totally. I often wonder how he does it this way. Again, he should have never started the clean vocals, but even when he seems to be out of breathe when growling, it think it sounds pretty well.
Totally respectfully, just asking, did you listen to Colony and/or Reroute to Remain? Especially on Reroute to Remain he makes such looong cries.. (and he manages to pull them off live to some extend)

Yea you got me there, I've pretty much just listened to The Jester Race a lot, Whoracle and Clayman a bit. I'll give the other two a shot.
but anders weakness, to me, is his clean vocals, not saying they're bad, metaphor is a really good song and it fits his voice well as does come clarity. that being said, he can still growl live with the best of them.

This man really knows what he is talking about! My point exactly.:kickass:

Again, he should have never started the clean vocals, but even when he seems to be out of breathe when growling, it think it sounds pretty well.

I guess you should have been a mentor to him and he would be a top notch singer :)
The death vocals is kinda what got me into Opeth, I heard a live-version of When and was astonished by the brutality in Mikaels voice. Then the music started growing on me and so it continued.
my mates got into it and they used to hate growling

ive been a fan of that style for many years, although i am quite choosy / fussy about the differences between styles of that kind. for instance i cant stand BM vocals most of the time, DM roar >>> BM screeeeeetch[!] any day.
I didnt like the clean singing when I got into Opeth, but letting it grow on me opened me up to shit I never would have listened to before.
lol what a funny remark, it would be funnier though if you posted a lolcat and maybe a link to a maddox article