Death metal thread


Aug 31, 2008
if we already have a thread abt BM(where nobody is posting unfortunately),it would be nice to have thread about death metal bands you like,you discovered and so on.
ive just disovered this band.Its great:kickass:
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Christ give up already, you're on a forum filled with a bunch of CoB fanbois, you expect them to be extreme metal connesieurs?
Ure right,maybe i should open threads abt every DM genre:Melodic,progressive,blackened,old school,grind,tech...
Actually I don't really listen to metal anymore, I was just pulling your leg :p.

I'm not so much into death metal, of course I like some bands, but I prefer BM more.

But here's decent finnish DM band.

Sotajumala - Kuolinjulistus

And of course Deathchain, could be too thrashy perhaps. But you should give it a try.

Deathchain - Napalm Satan

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This is serbian death metal band.
Slaughtered Children: Ill break your spine with spine breaker
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