"Melody is neither good nor bad, it is a technique."
Just listen to this guy. What a waste of oxygen.
Amazing how in his, I presume, five whole minutes of musical study, he came to conclude that melody is a technique. Melody is inherent. It exists. A piece can be tonal or atonal, but no matter what you do, you're gonna have melody. It's how the melody is implemented that determines whether the melody is catchy, dissonant, or just a harmony or undercurrent to another musical sentence.
I like TSOP because Chuck manages to insert positively catchy, listenable, and omnipresent melodies into nearly every set of notes he plays. Be it a wanking/noodling solo or a lead guitar part, regardless. And he even toys around with an atonal harmonic once or twice as well, although they are more prevalent on Symbolic.
We have already ascertained that TSOP fits some conventional structure. Fine. I have yet to see how this instantly limits a piece from being the least bit groundbreaking. Granted, TSOP might not be so, but I find a great deal of difference between early Atheist and the style of this album.
The only similarity is in the randomness of the playing style. Where both Shaefer and Schuldiner manage to compose chaotic pieces of music where instruments appear and disappear, the bass is independent as it fills in gaps between guitar bursts, and in the end they are both death/thrash albums(i.e. vocal style and riffing similarites). However, take out the noodling in TSOP, and it sounds like a highly melodic version of Spiritual Healing or a Sepultura album from that time. NOT Atheist. And the only comparisons to Cynic can be found on Human, and to ITP to a lesser degree. I'll leave it to you to discover the obvious "why?" TSOP is only chaotic because the progressive nature of the album and the tendencies of the musicians at hand(in this case, the insane drummign style of Richard Christy). The similarities between TSOP and Symbloic are much more apparent. It is simply an extension of Symbolic's sound, developed in a fashion that could display Christy's style and chops.
That settles it then. The few similarities I mentioned are more than likely coincidental, seeing as how both bands originated from the same scene and developed at a similar time. I find the lack of respect for TSOP appalling.