death to false metal

Originally posted by hyena
and one more note: i think it's not "metal, that's real" (as in "metal: yeah, you understand correctly") but, unfortunately, "metal that's real": true metal!


that was my view too, but i don't think the comma is an issue (a comma is a comma is a comma... :spin: ). it is sort of an explanation to the wise, you know, as in "metal: need i say more?" :grin:

rahvin. (happily dissecting some tough lyrics for once, instead of some easy, down-to-earth dt song)
I falled in love with the first post of this thread, and Hyena has entered through the best way to this board: explaining 'bout the Rhavin's intimacy. :grin:

The new image of Rahvin is now recorded in my mind, replacing the old one (it was easier than I expected, I'm a robot, so I erased the old one and copied the new file in my HD). But now I should to modify it, now Rahvin is dressed as a pirate and rises the common pirate sword, while the parrot on his shoulder cannot stop its italian speech about Teddy Bears. It's wonderful to know about Rahvin's past!!

Concerning Manowar, I think they're the only band that can do what they do without serious changes and isn't a bad product at all. But I hate them live!

|ngenius (still trying to conquer Rahvin's heart. I guess this isn't the best way, is it? :cool: )
Originally posted by |ngenius
It's wonderful to know about Rahvin's past!!

really :cry: :blush:

my dear robot, i know you're always looking for spare parts, but my heart is simply too small to fit in your shining (heavy) metal chest. so i'm trying to flatter you and make it out alive. :p

rahvin. (the shortest pizza in town)
I used to be tr00, then I grew up :lol:
I have to say that I still like Kings Of Metal tho, in all it's cheesiness, was the first one from them I heard and at the time it kicked mucho ass.

Anyway, welcome to the DT forum.

'No one here is quite what they seem to be'
-some person on some sci-fi tv show
I basicaly agree with Salamurhaaja on this subject, it is cheesy, but I grow up with it, therefore some of the Manowar stuff rocks, in all it´s cheesyness...:D

Originally posted by Salamurhaaja

'No one here is quite what they seem to be'

Maybe we are exactly what we seem to be... Ppl with too much time at their hands, and with and interest in the greatest music there is, writing posts about absolutely nothing...:p :grin:

well apart from Manowar's ME(n)TAL illness, I think that the concept of uniting brothers with swords, rings and crowns, blowing amps and wearing wolverine skins make them the only utter crappy band which still has some kind ofrespectfulness, since they seem to believe whatever they say (for meaningless it is)
well, the issue about manowar's beliefs in their own lyrics is a tough one. i guess there is no way to know: i find it a bit weird that a group of people maintains the same outlook - a simplistic one, at that - throughout their career as musicians, that in manowar's case has been pretty long-lasting. so i have the impression that they might have believed something of what they say (the courage-honor-pride part; the metal part is just funny) at the beginning, but now i guess it's a commercial strategy. people buy the manowar-product knowing what they will find, also thanks to some repetitiveness in the message.

btw i like the one about me(n)tal :)
and yet, i can see a couple of reasons why perhaps manowar - quite aptly - should be doubted less as far as good or metal intentions are concerned.

1. although it's crystal clear that manowar thrive by occupying a commercial niche of their own and holding on to it like mad, one might wonder if that is a convenient career move at all: all-out fans of leather and swords are slowly dwindling, and many bands have already jumped on another bandwagon in order to relentlessly shove down the public's throats whatever bullshit the public might happen to want.

2. i don't quite buy the idea of dispassionate, cynical manowar doing their thing on stage and in the record studios just in order to go home and read the newspaper while enjoying a good cup of milk and complaining that the neighbours upstairs are having a party every night. it does look too much of an effort to keep up the pretense if your real lifestyle doesn't even begin to approach what you're offering. possibly in their own simple way they believe in a general idea :confused: of what they're preaching and the only made-up things are the funny self-evident formulas we all appreciate and love. :)

@Hyena: Few comments about your last post. You said their outlook is simple, so it's obvious you don't know how hard is to get dressed in leather, and appear as a real warrior!! And about the commercial strategy... it's kinda anti-commercial strategy, 'cos everybody laughs about the Manowar's usual concept.

You were a fan of Manowar, weren't you? ;)

|ngenius (who doesn't despise the music he doesn't like to listen to)
@|ngenius: I was a metalhead once, so I know how hard it is to dress as a real warrior and pretend your feet are not hurting because of the oh-so-tough boots! And as for commercial strategies, I guess Manowar are a bit like South Park: they make people laugh and that's how they build their fanbase :)
The fact you were a metalhead (in the way you mean, 'cos I think it's a wide term) puts you closer to the concept itself and makes it more understandable. On the other hand, you know any band who doesn't wanna sell albums and make its commercial strategy the best one? Take the Maiden's Eddie, who appeared as a punk-monster and was actually a commercial success, for instance. And this fact doesn't devaluate the Maiden's musical career.

Finally, I think all is running around the same issue: the existence of different tastes. I don't understand how in hell Julio Iglesias could be consideer a good singer, but he is anyway. And Manowar, without class and high style, and following an hilarious stetics and medieval stereotypes, had and have success, and it isn't right or wrong, only an appreciation.

But I have nothing against Manowar!! I love them actually - honest! I just crack a joke or two every once in a while because they are funny. I didn't mean the commercial argument to be a putdown: of course every band and label wants to sell music, hell, I'd even sell my band's music if we had a record :lol: