Death to Male Camel Toe!!


Sep 14, 2001
Sorry WD, I'm bored today. Still luv me?? :devil:

Van knows Warrel has the camel toe. You can see the fear in his face.
Dead_Lioness said:
a whole thread about that???

you are trying to kill me for sure.
I know that metalsteph!!!!!!!!
Sorry Dead Lioness.... like i said, I'm bored.
LOL it looks like an ass cheek.

Maybe he has a rare medical condition where his dick is where his ass should be and his ass is where his dick should be?

It would explain why he runs like a girl and sits down to pee. :lol:
My darling Steph! Thank you for focusing attention on my crotch, I was hoping someone would notice my love bulge, and I'm glad it was you.... *heavy sigh, while thinking of good times past... fondly*
Sentient6 said:
My darling Steph! Thank you for focusing attention on my crotch, I was hoping someone would notice my love bulge, and I'm glad it was you.... *heavy sigh, while thinking of good times past... fondly*

if it's any consolation, WD, a lot of guys (myself included), stared at your crotch today and pondered what it was.
Sentient6 said:
My darling Steph! Thank you for focusing attention on my crotch, I was hoping someone would notice my love bulge, and I'm glad it was you.... *heavy sigh, while thinking of good times past... fondly*
:hotjump: o_O oh wait.... :(

:D :D :D

and Stee, no-no death to the .. that. (I'm always polite and don't know much about... zoology... and camels..their toes... :err: )

Senty, thx for changing... the name. :eek: :p
That reminds me of the episode of the simpsons when homer goes to the Rock and Roll camp.

Someone asks Lenny Kravitz his opinion of crotch stuffing.

Lenny says " Well, I don't do it but Kenny Loggins does "

Loggins pops up in the window and yells " aaaaaw, you promised you wouldn't tell "

Maybe WD saw that one?
DreamNeonBlack said:
That reminds me of the episode of the simpsons when homer goes to the Rock and Roll camp.

Someone asks Lenny Kravitz his opinion of crotch stuffing.

Lenny says " Well, I don't do it but Kenny Loggins does "

Loggins pops up in the window and yells " aaaaaw, you promised you wouldn't tell "

Maybe WD saw that one?

haha i love that episode!!!
i dont know why, but today on my way back form work i was thinking about the one episode when homer couldnt get any on valentine's day...and he was walking around all sad and stuff.. saying how everyone is having sex but him..then he sees two air planes kinda like "doing it"

i dont know...i just couldnt stop thinking about that