

Katatonic Opethoid
Mikael has said in the past that Camel is one of his major influences, right? Or at least I think I can safely quote him as saying that at one time (if not, shoot me now). I'm listening to some Camel right now and I can safely say that they really kick some major ass, especially the instrumental stuff. What do you guys think of Camel and do you think the influence actually shows in Opeth?
They totally kick ass...

On their influencing Opeth, I see it slightly. It's like Mikael says, "Damn, I love how they get quiet here, then louder and speed it up! I'm going to do my own version of that"...

Even though they're completely different genres, they're both still progressive. And BTW, Camel is one of the bands that sounds GODLIKE when you're high/stoned/fucked up (even though they already sound amazing when you're sober)...amongst Yes, Pink Floyd, and many other random 60's/70's/80's prog rock...
it's the last time i say it:

the camel albums worth buying are the 1st 4:

the snow goose

then, they went sell-out, like yes and genesis. but those albumsi mentioned are nothing less than amazing.
opethpainter said:
it's the last time i say it:

the camel albums worth buying are the 1st 4:

the snow goose

then, they went sell-out, like yes and genesis. but those albumsi mentioned are nothing less than amazing.

I don't know, I'm listening to Stationary Traveller and it's pretty awesome!
golgotha85 said:
I don't know, I'm listening to Stationary Traveller and it's pretty awesome!

Yeah that's right. Camel didn't "sell out" as such, their sound only matured. Those four albums you mentioned are great, yes - but listen to just them and you are missing out on half of Camel's greatness... I mean, have you heard the song "Ice"?? :D
opethpainter said:
it's the last time i say it:

the camel albums worth buying are the 1st 4:

the snow goose

then, they went sell-out, like yes and genesis. but those albumsi mentioned are nothing less than amazing.

Oh please! :err:

Some of you guys need to start using the term 'sell out' a bit more carefully.

And oh, Camel owns! Been a fan for years! :devil:
Yeah, Camel is my all time favourite band.
But I can safely say that I never really cared much for the stuff Andy did with his wife, Susan Hoover. I always believed that those tracks never complimented Camel's style.
not that I'll find it on kazaa but it doesn't hurt to ask -- what songs are worth downloading?
best starting songs... ok...
Camel - Ice
Camel - Nimrodel, The Procession, The White Rider
Camel - Lady Fantasy (preferably live)
Camel - Stationary Traveller
Camel - Never Let Go
Camel - Mystic Queen
..argh fuck I'm gonna fucking end up listing all thye songs... haha just get some of those! :) \m/
ChrisEmerson said:
i have the snow goose, and it kicks ass. not too keen on mirage tho which i just got.

I guess that's just your opinion, but if you're not to keen on Mirage I suggest giving it another good listen - it tends to grow on you.
whoa, this is good stuff. I grabbed Stationary Traveler, Mystic Queen, and Lady Fantasy. awesome songs!
I agree that the first 4 albums are the best. from the newer ones I only like Rajaz. "A nod and a wink" has some very very cheesy songs on it...
mmmh... it is different to make 4 fantastic albums than to make a good song called "ice" after some years. you can find some good songs in the last camel albums, but in the 1st 4 ones there are no weak points.