Deathcore Mix Save of the day! :D


Replace that #@#|@#∞!!
May 19, 2010
These guys came to me a couple of days ago with this mix:

Without Di's, pure muddy/boxy Pod xt tone, and messed up midi.

Here's how i'm doing on the mix atm:

I'd like to make it sound better but i'm getting tired of the freaking pod tone....


Ok, Heres the files dudes (and dudettes?? x'D)

Doubled Left and Right Guitars
Raw Bass
Drum Mixdown for reference and for those without SD or Superior.
The little Pad on the intro.

Looking forward already on your feedback. Take care.
Yeah that's the first thing i asked for, but had an enormous NO as an answer so meh!! It's getting a lot better tho'

=D que más mi pana? yo soy de el Marqués! y tu? =) hay muchos venezolanos en este forum <3
Mix sounds nice. Guitars needs some work (as in sound) I think, they are not bad though. Drums sound nice, especially the bassdrum, I love it, it's powerful. What did you use? :rock:
the mix overall is great.
it's really thick, got a good midrange, all the instruments aren't attacking each other.
dual / quad?
i quite like the snare what samples are they? it really stands out, an the kicks.
very attacking and straight to your face mix, reminds me sortve blind witness mix / disfigured elegance, good job
Thanks a lot guys for your feedback! :D

I will Upload these files [Midi Drums, Bass, Guitars, And Vocals] for you to mix. (L)

@Ice: Yep Agreed man. I would've love to reamp these guitars!!!

@donimoines: I had some trouble while juggling with mid range, guitars are so so boxy!!
they were Quad Tracked LTD (a lamb of god signature idk which one). I'll post the samples i used
on the original post! [i blended 3 kicks, low and high passed with the Superior Eq'd Stock kick. Same on the Snare Stock and EQ'd with Lasse Brutal multi sampled Snare]

thanks lasse for those cute samples <3

thanks for the kind words, i hope to make it sound better!

@Lazzari Si eres de plc creo que conoces a zetaonce cierto? :D