Deathcore music

3 guitars is too much already. But 3 sevenstrings? Trudging around in the first 5 frets? No thank you.

Obviously, you have not listened to them alot.

Also, Periphery have 3 guitarist too and they kick ass! You can't really say I am biased either since I am the only guitarist of my band :lol:
Anyway, my taste in music has expanded a lot recently. I saw these guys at a gig a while back, they're from my hometown, and while I will ALWAYS think that skinny jeans, dancing/jumping around like a spastic, gay vocals and shit screams are a load of bollocks... The bassist in this band is FUCKING SICK.

Still, can't get over how gay those jeans are.
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Anyway, my taste in music has expanded a lot recently. I saw these guys at a gig a while back, they're from my hometown, and while I will ALWAYS think that skinny jeans, dancing/jumping around like a spastic, gay vocals and shit screams are a load of bollocks... The bassist in this band is FUCKING SICK.

Still, can't get over how gay those jeans are.

shame you can't see him because the cameraman is having a seizure and those two faggots are jumping all over the place

Seriously, two lead singers? Who don't do anything else?
I reckon if they got rid of the skinny vocalist who looks scarily like Flo (snowy) they'd be a lot better. That guys vocals really aren't my cup of tea. But eh, they're instrumentally impressive enough for me to almost look past that.
Deathcore is for men and women who are too pussy to listen to Slam.

In other news, I actually like some bands like Oceano and Whitechapel. lol
This one is for people who really have a strong hate for deathcore and it's faggot tree.
I saw this band, Rose Funeral. They are moderately big in the underground music scene. Anyways the members 22-27yrs old, started attacking this 17yr old kid for playing Uno on their sets. haha I am trying to get this out as much as possible. Do a myspace search, I'm too lazy to link you. Their stupid page is hard to miss
Shit's old. The fags were opening for some good band and a bunch of kids told them to GTFO, then they proceeded to try and beat up these kids. The band are typical deathcore assholes, but the kids were asking for it, too.
Oh yeah, but on Rose Funeral's set, we wouldn't move until the hardcore dancers started. Then we would push them around and try to fight them. I love trolling scene kids. I guess I sound cruel eh? I'll ruin a show for scene fags who leave when Immolation and Nile play haha
After the Burial Pi Breakdown... Fucking shit man.
They are the only deathcore band I can listen to.

I heard that a few days ago, they made the drums work EXACTLY to the rhythm of the numerical value of pi, please don't ask me how it works :lol:
I heard that a few days ago, they made the drums work EXACTLY to the rhythm of the numerical value of pi, please don't ask me how it works :lol:
That's what I call math metal!

Anyway, I think Born Of Osiris last record is totally fucking cool!


If anyone will attempt the skinny jeans and ugly moves thing. I prefer to listen to music, not jack off to calm the fuck down and enjoy.
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