Deathcore music

Yea i don't pay much attention to genres of metal.


The 2009 releases from Rose Funeral(The Resting Sonata), Underneath The Gun(Forfeit Misfortunes), & Becoming The Archetype(Dichotomy) are fucking awesome...
just thought i would let yaal know about some new albums.

I just hate deathcore bands like Bring Me The Horizon.

But then there are exceptions that are amazing, like Betwween the Buried and Me.

And inbetweens like Black Dahlia. Who I personally hate the vocals of, but like everything else.
Between the Buried and Me aren't deathcore, they're just progressive metalcore tbh. :lol:

As for deathcore, I haven't heard a lot, but what I have heard was pretty decent. I don't get why it's such a hated genre.
job for a cowboy and black dahlia murder is sickk
also u should of posted suicide silence cus they are the definition of deathcore