Deathcore music

Sa prenais bien une fille du quebec pour avoir du gout comme sa :kickass:

My fav deathcore band :

Sea of treachery :

Despised icon :

Postmortem promises :

Suicide silence :

Carnifex :

This bands are awesome please listen some song....

Keep support underground band....

Despised Icon is awesome (-vocals), Suicide Silence is ok, Carnifex is overrated.
Despised Icon is awesome (-vocals), Suicide Silence is ok, Carnifex is overrated.

And the other band ??

listen postmortem promises and sea of treachery...

Despised icon was my favorite band by far but....
the other band need some good attention...
Why haven't any of you french guys mentioned Benighted? last album, Icon, is probably some of the best deathcore I've heard! :rock: Other than them, I'm a big fan of Arsonists get all the Girls, Whitechapel, Despised Icon, Dr. Acula, Waking the Cadaver, Annotations of an Autopsy, Dillinger Escape Plan, The Locust (CHECK IT OUT!), Carnifex and so on... Waking the Cadaver is maybe more grindcore than deathcore, but anyways, they're awesome! :kickass:
The deathcore bands that I listen to are:

All Shall Perish
Despised Icon
Eternal Lord
Job for a Cowboy
Knights of the Abyss
Lamb of God
Parkway Drive
Rose Funeral
See You Next Tuesday
Waking The Cadaver
Winds of Plague

Btw, someone said something about Cradle of Filth being deathcore. They are not deathcore, they are gothic metal/symphonic metal.
hahaha he screams like a poor pig which have a butt hache

The best example for deathcore are:

A Breath Before Surfacing
All Shall Perish My favorite deathcore band
Annotations Of An Autopsy
As Blood Runs Black
Arsonists Get All The Girls
Beneath The Massacre
Blain Subject
Burning Skies
Burning The Masses
Bring Me The Horizon
Camilla Rhodes
Clone The Fragile
Crimson Falls
Despised Icon
Emmure I love this band!
Hacksaw To The Throat
Ion Dissonance I love this band!
Job For A Cowboy( Pre-genesis ) NOW THEY SUCK
Impending Doom
Knights Of The Abyss
Molotov Solution
Postmortem Promises
See You Next Tuesday
Suicide Silence
Terminally, Your Aborted Chost
The Black Dahlia Murder I love this band!
The Eyes Of A Traitor
The Faceless (the song hypocrisy is amazing)
The Feeding
The Red Chord I love this band!
The Red Shore
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
Through The Eyes Of The Dead I love this band!
Time Has Come
Underneath The Gun
War From A Harlots Mouth
Whitechapel I love this band!!

You got some great fuckin taste. You listen to some of the bands I love. :rock:
The deathcore bands that I listen to are:

All Shall Perish
Despised Icon
Eternal Lord
Job for a Cowboy
Knights of the Abyss
Lamb of God
Parkway Drive
Rose Funeral
See You Next Tuesday
Waking The Cadaver
Winds of Plague

Btw, someone said something about Cradle of Filth being deathcore. They are not deathcore, they are gothic metal/symphonic metal.

Since when did they turn deathcore?
The deathcore bands that I listen to are:

All Shall Perish
Despised Icon
Eternal Lord
Job for a Cowboy
Knights of the Abyss
Lamb of God
Parkway Drive
Rose Funeral
See You Next Tuesday
Waking The Cadaver
Winds of Plague

Btw, someone said something about Cradle of Filth being deathcore. They are not deathcore, they are gothic metal/symphonic metal.

I just don't like any of these bands, or deathcore for that matter. :Puke:
I like music with a refined sound.
Lamb of God is not AT ALL deathcore. IMO, they are beyond classification, but if you had to put them somewhere, they toe the line between metalcore and groove metal quite nicely. Not unlike Byzantine did on their last record. R.I.P. Byzantine - great fucking band.

Anyway, back on-topic, I've started getting into some deathcore. A lot of the newer deathcore bands are really impressing me. Suicide Silence, Winds of Plague, Impending Doom, Salt the Wound, With Blood Comes Cleansing, and A Different Breed of Killer are a few that have grown on me quickly.

Okay, I just looked through the thread and realized I have a lot more deathcore bands in my iTunes than I thought. Here's what I have in actuality:
A Different Breed of Killer
All Shall Perish
As Blood Runs Black
Arsonists Get All the Girls
Beneath the Massacre
Beneath the Sky
Camilla Rhodes
Despised Icon
The Faceless
Glass Casket
Impending Doom
Ion Dissonance
The Red Chord
Salt the Wound
See You Next Tuesday
Soul Embraced
Suicide Silence
Thine Eyes Bleed
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza
Trigger the Bloodshed
Underneath the Gun
Winds of Plague
With Blood Comes Cleansing
With Dead Hands Rising