Deathcore Song, what do you think of the mix?

Sam Bottner

Jul 18, 2010
This song was written by El Boyo from the UG forums in guitar pro, I'm just recording it for him because it's awesome. Here's a link to his profile:, it's called Beneath the Ocean if you want to hear the original.

I recorded guitars and bass and the drums are addictive drums (which were given to me by <--that guy :) )
Guitars are Revalver and some EQ, hp at 150hz, lp at 8khz, and some minor cuts and boosts as needed, and also some light compression to even it out. Bass was also Revalver, compressed a ton.

Anyway, here it is. Tell me what you think. the Ocean.mp3

BTW the bass may be too loud in the mix, my ipod hasn't been working so I can't check the mix anywhere else. PLEASE let me know if the bass is overpowering.

Drums weren't me. I agree for the most part about the snare and kick, but I like the overheads. I'll try to upload the DI's, although last time I tried, it didn't work, but we'll see.
Overheads are gross, snare is too loud or too quiet most of the time.
Use automation.

for the kick; less click, more 'fleshy'.
