Decapitated drummer dead at 23

This greatly saddens me, mainly because I had just attended a Decapitated show in seattle, and after the show, i had a chat with vitek for about half an hour about his family kids etc etc,and he showed me his kids with great pride. My deepest sympathies are for his family.

Rest In Piece Vitek
This news is very sad indeed. I remember seeing these guys live a few years ago, and watching Vitek set up and sound check his drum kit (I'm sure it was him), he looked so happy. I'll never forget that.

My thoughts are with his family and friends.
This news is very sad indeed. I remember seeing these guys live a few years ago, and watching Vitek set up and sound check his drum kit (I'm sure it was him), he looked so happy. I'll never forget that.

My thoughts are with his family and friends.

Decapitated played before Hypocrisy a year ago and I remember Vitek setting up and checking not only his own kit, but Horgh's kit as well. What a great fellow.
Vitek did the same at a show in seattle,also helping setting everyone else kit up. of course he was the only drummer who helped everybody else out. he was a great guy.I told him how amazing there set was, and his eyes just lit up.Its like he'd never heard that before.What a modest guy.
aww man =(
I love decapitated, and I dread to think of the impacts this might have on the band. With metallica, for instance, it lead to a (worse) new sound... I really, really hope that doesn't happen here.

Also, my heart goes out to his family.
Oh my fucking shit!!! This is so fucking sad! I fucking love Decapitated and i was just fucking listening to them just now, then i hear this.. I am crushed by this horrible loss. The band might never be the same again. RIP Vitek, you were a godly drummer.
I've been bummed over this all day. They really are a quality band, and I think what's getting to me is that fact that he was so young...awful. :(
Fucking awful.


One of my favorite bands... I hope they can carry on from this tragedy and honor Vitek. I was going to see them with Amon Amarth in Vancouver too :(