Decapitated drummer dead at 23

I'm heartbroken over the news. I really took a liking to this band since I saw them over a year ago. All of them very cool people. R.I.P Vitek.

I hope they don't go the way of Nasum either. Everyone's injuries sounded pretty bad. :( Best wishes to the other band too.
R.I.P, and my heart felt condolences to his loved ones. I also hope Covan and the others involved make a swift and full recovery.
I hope his memory lives on, not least through the fantastic music he helped create. My one stand out memory of Vitek in particular is seeing Decapitated at the Camden Underworld and marvelling at the complexity of the fill he was playing, before realising that it was just the drum riff, which he was repeating. 'Nuff said.
This sucks, Vitek was amazing. I love all the small things he did to make each song great, especially his footwork on the double bass throughout the Nihility album. RIP dude.
This is just awful, awful news. I feel horrible his family right now. Man, I cant imagine going out at such a young age...what a loss.

RIP man.

"He will be missed and cannot be replaced"

Does this mean what I think it means...?

I doubt it. He can be replaced, but not to the extent that the new drummer could match his presence and character behind the kit. If I'd have to guess a replacement, there are lots of good drummers in the Polish metal scene. The drummer from Crionics would be my candidate for a replacement.
Why does every band I'm interested in seeing get offset by the incapacitation of a drummer? First Mayhem cancels their shows because Hellhammer gets some sort of limb paralysis, and now Vitek dies a couple weeks before I was potentially going to see them. I should be careful with what bands I go to see. :lol:

I listened to Winds of Creation in his memory. May he rest in peace.