Decapitated Drummer (Witold "Vitek" Kieltyka) Dead at 23

I only listened to the 2 on Myspace from Nihility and The Negation.
And part of one from the most recent album but I liked it even less maybe.

But ok, I'll give your tracks a fair shot.
Much better than the myspace stuff but still not something I'd buy.

Thanks though!

edit: Made me want to listen to Necros Christos (REAL death metal!)
Awesome lyric fodder though.

But anyway, we should probably get back on topic...
I didn't think that at all - the first thing I thought when I read 20 miles was that the parts were dragged along the the highway unbeknownst to the motorists.

Same here.

Couldn't give two shits about the dude though. Wear your seat belt, or end up being the focus of a bad Susperia post.

As far as Decapitated goes, this is mediocre at best death metal. I'll pass. :Smug:


Edit - I'm in the mood to a be a total asshole at the moment...

*Delete A-Hole commentary

Edit Part Deux- O.K I seen a picture of him with his son. I'm a cunt, but fuck I have a heart, so I'll be respectful. But God damn fuck on a stick, you need to be accountable for your actions even if the repercussion is your life. Whether you drive without a seatbelt, drink yourself in to a vomitous stupor, jaywalk on the interstate, or bang every hoochie in your town without a condom.
As far as Decapitated goes, this is mediocre at best death metal. I'll pass. :Smug:

I'm uploading something you might be interested in as far as DM goes (see my signature).


INFERNAL HEIRARCHY - Infernal Heirarchy 7" (1993)


First Born
False Prophecy
Before actually listening to that, is there any way it can be qualified other than it being a cult (read: unknown) 7" release from 1993 (which seems to be the only criteria for which Necuratul thinks something is good). :loco:
I know you're saying that in jest, but the underlying intent behind it pisses me off. I know you and others have a sense that I listen to things based on their obscurity, but that's bullshit. I randomly stumbled upon this 7" while looking for the Sempiternal Deathreign CD and saw it in a distro list with a description that interested me, and it was only $5, so I decided to take the risk and just buy it. When I played it, I was so impressed with it that I played it over and over again, and then sought out mp3s from some stupid Russian site that I couldn't read, spending about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to download 2 songs. I just figured I would share some music with people that might be interested in it based on how immediately it impacted me, so much so that I even took to time to type up the lyrics. If you don't care, that's fine, but I really hate it when people suggest that I like things more because they're unknown. Level of popularity has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on how well I enjoy a band's music, and I don't care for when it's suggested otherwise, jokingly or not.

As far as I'm aware, Infernal Heirarchy only released this 7", thought the insert actually says that they were supposed to have released a full-length on Mausoleum Records. I couldn't find any information on that album, so I don't think that it ever actually happened. They played a lot of shows in the North/South Carolina vicinity from what I've gathered, and even played with Nile a few times. Their sound is very traditional, standard style, at times diverging into Thrash, with a vocal delivery that has a bit of variance to it, ranging from a relatively guttural delivery to a more raspy shout that works well when played against each other.
I know you're saying that in jest, but the underlying intent behind it pisses me off. I know you and others have a sense that I listen to things based on their obscurity, but that's bullshit. I randomly stumbled upon this 7" while looking for the Sempiternal Deathreign CD and saw it in a distro list with a description that interested me, and it was only $5, so I decided to take the risk and just buy it. When I played it, I was so impressed with it that I played it over and over again, and then sought out mp3s from some stupid Russian site that I couldn't read, spending about 20 minutes trying to figure out how to download 2 songs. I just figured I would share some music with people that might be interested in it based on how immediately it impacted me, so much so that I even took to time to type up the lyrics. If you don't care, that's fine, but I really hate it when people suggest that I like things more because they're unknown. Level of popularity has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on how well I enjoy a band's music, and I don't care for when it's suggested otherwise, jokingly or not.

As far as I'm aware, Infernal Heirarchy only released this 7", thought the insert actually says that they were supposed to have released a full-length on Mausoleum Records. I couldn't find any information on that album, so I don't think that it ever actually happened. They played a lot of shows in the North/South Carolina vicinity from what I've gathered, and even played with Nile a few times. Their sound is very traditional, standard style, at times diverging into Thrash, with a vocal delivery that has a bit of variance to it, ranging from a relatively guttural delivery to a more raspy shout that works well when played against each other.

Do not worry, I appreciated the upload!