Decapitated(new song out!)

I like it. It's more in the vein of Nihility than The Negation, which is a major plus, considering Nihility is more or less flawless.
hhhm, same awful guitar tone and drum sounds. Why couldn't they follow the path of Wind of Creation?

edit: oh god, and the vocalist is so much shitter than before.
jesus tap-dancing christ!!! that vocalist has to go! :yuk:

what the hell were they thinking letting this guy into the band?
the best thing about decapitated has always been their guitarist. He puts a few cool riffs down on this song, but I don't think it really makes up for the tiresome drums or awful vocals, not to mention the plasticy production. Shame, because I love Winds of Creation.
I don't understand the whining about the production and the drum. It just all sounds good to me. The sound is clear and everything is loud and clear, and the drumming is pretty okay to me too. What's to criticize about?
This is pretty poor quality death metal. The "hardcore" vocalist did okay with Cryptopsy, but this fits horribly. The constant blastbeat drumming is highly obnoxious. Repetitive riffs that don't go anywhere, and the production is to polished to achieve what they're trying to do, "be brutal." Decaptitated lose. Cryptopsy win. :)
Please, don't tell me Cryptopsy's riffs go anywhere, cause you would be entirely mistaken.