
Mar 12, 2002
Underneath the bridge
My arsehole cousin recently told me that Decapitated were "commercialising death-metal" because they were in Kerrang. (This is bullshit because Arch Enemy, Immortal and Pig Destroyer have all been in Kerrang.)

Does anybody else feel this way about them? I personally think they are a brilliant band and have lots of talent. They may not be pushing the limits of deathmetal but they are at least doing a good thing (albeit in an unoriginal way).
No, personally I couldn't give a flying fuck who has been in Kerrang, stoppped buying it ages ago. Decapitated are really good at what they do, end of story.
i don't see how appearing in a crap magazine makes you commercial. did decapitated say to kerrang "we're gonna be in your magazine" ? no, kerrang wanted to feature them and like any band that's trying to grow they're gonna take the publicity they can get.

they're getting good, but they haven't made the album they're capable of yet.
ok....decapitated fucking rock, one of my favourite death bands at the moment, they are technically flawless, look at how talented they are, the structure of their songs is excellent and they play their instruments extremely well, and also look at how young they were when they started.

anyway i love decapitated....who gives a fuck if they were in kerrang, all sorts of death metal bands have been in kerrang, the vader albums have been reviewed in kerrang and many others which i cant think of right now. :)
i saw these guys wednesday night in providence with incantaiton, impaled and others.

i gotta say, i was impressed. big time. they had the hair flying full force as they just ripped through their material. they were wonderful.
It´s always like this... When a band get huge credit in bigger magazines they are commercial.

Personally I think it´s bullshit.
Decap´s are fucken ace. Though I wouldn´t mind less trigged drums.
I saw them at the Metalfest last week and thought they were excellent. I have both of their cds and listen to them very often, one of the best young bands to come out in a long time.