Decent acoustic that tracks well?


May 23, 2005
St Louis
I've never owned an acoustic guitar and now that I've decided to sell my Gibson V, I think it's about time to get one. I have little to no knowledge in what's good really so any opinions would help. Price range would be whatever I can fetch for the V.
I used to work for Guitar Center and played many. A good bang for your buck acoustic guitar that both sounds good and plays good is an Epiphone Masterbilt. Usually in the $500usd range.
I've got a taylor 114 (no electronics) and it sounds aweeeeeeeeeeeeeesome, practically no post processing needed.

Taylor is on the right, and all it needed was a high pass at 80hz
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For cheap, I've always liked Alverez, had a friend that hauled the same one around for years and it always sounded great to me. Also, old 70's Yamaha acoustics are said to be a great deal.
yes you can definitely find some good acoustics for cheap. In my case ill have to order from abroad so im leaning twds taylor as well (safe bet!)
try the taylor big baby. its really the best i've heard for the price range. sounds sweer