decibel festival

Fresh and bloody meat...haha...she'll have to work her way on the beard and beer belly then...OOOPPS I don't have a beer belly it's just some space for my SEX MACHINE :lol:
Originally posted by Cadarn
Eh, really I dont know:lol: "qualche volta" means "sometime" and also I know that the wolves like fresh and bloody not accept a date with her:hotjump:
Hey Svartengill, where are you from?

i was joking..:goggly: ...i've never eat anyone..until now..!!!

ciao Cadarn,i'm from the north..from Trento!
Originally posted by Cadarn
Ah, so far from the hot Roma! Is not from there the Forst beer? I have many nice memories bout this kind of stuff:spin: Salute!!!

the forst beer is from meran..just 60 km from here..yep,i'm lucky 'cause i dont like hot so here's very cold now and i'm happy!

The thing is that Roma is a fucking beautiful city, there is everything you need...but when the summertime comes,well,then you are ROASTED:heh: !Just you have to stop going outside during the day and to remember to put inside the fridge several bottles of beer!But yeah, would be great to visit you up there!:cool:
I want to go to Roma someday to, so far I have only been to Milano and some other little Italian city that I can't remember but there was a LOT of Metalheads so that's all good. Ah, nothing beats some cold beer in the summertime! But then it's really cold here now but I have many beer bottles of Danish prime here right now! Oh and by the way Cadarn, do you know of some Italian bands called Blood Thirsty Demons and Abysmal Grief? Both are horror metal (is that popular there, I mean you got all these bands like Death SS etc.) and I want to check them out.
Yes, I know very well Death SS (I dont suggest you the last album for I know that sounds like M.Manson :yuk: )but I only heard the other two bands by name, so really I cannot say if theyre good or not.Ill investigate round if some friend got their cds and then Ill let you know.
Thanks, man! I've heard it's very hauntingly almost doom metal. Cause the only place I can get their CDs is at Horror Records but it's sold out!