2000 Decibel forum-meeting

Draugen said:
Well, Phyros was the one who was going to steer things up, but I haven´t seen him here for months! To bad...
On thursday he told me he'd be online today......I'm still waiting for a sign though.
But I'm confident he will fix it in those few days left.
Anyways, I am alive...:grin: THing is I just got (sloooow) internet @ home, so I am not online that much now, and I haven´t even been to the board for the last month or so... I guess We just need a time an a place, right? so what about after the Thyrfing gig @ front row?

will be able to check back from now on soooooo, Let´s discuss it!

Oh, and Yeah, We might take the car there, and _might_ have seats available, will know for sure later today I guess...

-phyros (over and...out!)
complex? the reason for that beeing? It is kinda easy, since they are using the same stage as Vintersorg, and since I guessed many ppl on the board likes them too... And it is an easy place to find...

Yeah, but then again, we will recognise eachother anyways :p OK, then we need another space and time. To bad there are bands that I need to see all the time... :( Thing is that that there are no good places to meet... One could say at the entrance to the park, but then we need a time that everyone can agree on?

Hmm... a time? Below are the first bands playing, and I guess we should meet BEFORE the Vintersorg-gig? :)
Personally, I am not going to see anything before Thyrfing and due to my egoistic ways :), I say that around 13:00 is OK... but where?
Phyros - I guess you have the best knowledge around here, about how the place looks like...


12:20 – 13:00
13:45 – 14:25
Dimension Zero​
15:10 – 15:55
16:55 – 17:45


13:05 – 13:35
14:35 – 15:05
Seventh One​
16:05 – 16:45
Hmm, yeah around 13.00 sounds good for me too, just to get togheter and say hi and stuff... Anyways... the area is really small, so there are no really good places to meet up except the entrance, other places are harder to describe, and a hell of alot easier to forgett, specially when you have had a few beers, wich, I must confess, I intend to have poured down my throat by that time :grin:

so is 13.00 at the entrance ok for everyone? at the outside of the entrance then...
