DEEP drum sound


Dec 28, 2010

- warning: the question is STUPID but..... -

how can i achieve a deep, warm and pretty punching sound on the drums?
they sound already good but their missing this...

i mean i can't achieve that with eq or compression.
is there any plugin for such a purpose?
parallel compression, tape saturation, better miking position, blending with other samples.

there is no "one" plug-in that does this... it's more like a combination of plug-ins and techniques. (but that's pretty much just ordinary mixing).

use your ears.
Bring the other instruments down a hair and/or maybe strap a sidechain comp on your instruments to shave off like 2 dB for kick and snare. Adjust EQ for attack. Then apply what timislegend said.
ok thanks, i'm newbi on drum mixing so i'm trying to improve.
i found that mixing samples with a lot of tape saturation helps much.
Boost kick at 90 hz and Bass guitar around 100 hz. I've been doing this for a lot of mixes, easy to do and makes a huge difference.
well for deep drums, you need a flat mix. toms and snare are going to want less presence and ambience, more verb and bang. add compression for snap, eq, limit. for a sharp snap, clip instead of limit

kick, i like 70 - 75 hz, nice bump. experiment.
snares like 115-250 hz
toms like 60 to 130 hz
guitars like 80 to 140 hz
bass loves a balance between 30 to 120 hz

start with these frequencies after you have good tones. you should dig your raw mix, if you dont then somethings off or lacking. dont think you can fix it by mixing, cuz if you cant even mix sampled drums you wont be able to fix a guitar tone, bass tone etc. this is the most critical step to having good mixes. the rest is easy, just balance and add grit.