Deep ideas about life

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Justin S.

Sep 3, 2004
Chicago, IL
Everyone around me is sorta fake, and not a true philosopher IMO, except you guys of course! So anyways, Ive been thinking a lot lately about like the media and how powerful it is and the giant corporations run it for money and greed (green). And also, since 9/11 how Bush and Halliburton stole TV and tricked everyone into Iraq's oil! Its so awesome how metal is so informed about how things REALLY are. Dont believe me?

I found UM and the philosopher by the best band in the world NEVERMORE (fucking awesome name, grim poet). The best thing is their philosophical lyrics, check out Final Product- "The media loves the latest tragic suicide
They exploit it, then package it and profit from the people who die"

See what I mean? And later, a really deep question: "Did they die for religion or the government?"

Thats something I think about evernight when I see the pictures of the quagmire we are in in Iraq on the news.

Anyways, I think about this stuff a lot, epsecially when listening to music and think its great that us metalheads are so open minded about opinions and take inspiration from bands like NEVERMORE to stand up for the truth about our governments lies and the greedy media IMO. I also heard about these lizards that control Dick Cheney and the world leaders and responsible for Rush Limbaughs dick problems ROFLMFAO.

The sad thing is, this post fits right in on our pretentiously named forum of transparent and ADD afflicted sentiments.
There's no such thing as a sinister agenda or a conspiracy. Nothing is ever much different from how it seems on the surface - or how we are taught. We need never analyse world events too closely, be skeptical or feel a need for vigilance about the people who rule us. They are regular guys who are no less to be trusted than anyone else.

No one, except a minority of retards who believe any nonsense they hear telling them to challenge the veracity of the media, can be concerned that things are not under control and being handled in as efficient way as possible by our governments. They should shut up and let our rulers do their job.

There is nothing to worry about. Trust the politicians. They're the experts, not you.

It's thanks to those "conspiracy" nut jobs that history will now record that our leaders deliberately lied about Iraq having weapons of mass destruction!
Why make such a big fuss about that? If our leaders say such things it can only be motivated by having the country's best interests at heart. And let them be freemasons if they want to! What the hell's the harm in rulers belonging to secret societies? They need private lives after all. Give them a break!
Norsemaiden, crazy shit! :headbang:

WHat is that like 1984 LOL. Thats so crazy about double think and how the governments is all about control and you can trust no one :erk: Shit remindes me of how true Xfiles was "the truth is out there" you just have to think outside the box!

OH SHIT, it just clicked how much you are channeling NEO from teh matrix (that part with the minigun is METAL :kickass: ) All about how we are trapped in a fake world of fake people who are like drones to the man, i mean machines, and how with the help of rage against the machine we have to break through the lies of the superficial and ordinary and the corporations and freemasons and dick cheney... the truth is out there.

ALso, my second favoirte band SYSTEM OF A DOWN talks about this stuff all the time, but NO ONE buys their albums or understand their message. Norsemaiden you surely must be a fan the way you type. BNOOM BOOM BOOM, why you send the poor, its all about how NO ONE ELSE sees the governments lies and lizard eyes. Im so glad metal has people like Norsemaiden to say what NO ONE ELSE will say!
This is FUN!:lol: Hope you're enjoying yourself Justin (or should I say Mr President!!!). You just don't like it when you're SUSSED! BTW System of a Down is:puke: But i haven't heard them much.
I will reply in more detail soon (bet u can't wait!)
"Conspiracy" is how the world is run. It's obvious! I know "obvious conspiracy" sounds like an oxymoron, but it's true!

Men compete with eachother, whether it is over wealth, women, land, etc, by fair means or foul. It's a law of nature. When more than one man bands together to gain advantage, it's a "conspiracy".

Take the way family connections help people to get into jobs - nepotism. It's just something that happens. People help their kith and kin, and those they feel a bond with.

Every pressure group or lobby is a group of people sharing a common aim, and common agenda.

Every minority group within society has its own cohesion and own agenda. Everything eventually comes down to the selfish gene.

All "conspiracy" means is that there is a plot. Cigarette companies want you to buy their product. They originally told people it was good for their health, but now those who doubted their claims have proven, much to the companies annoyance, that smoking causes cancer. The companies plot to sell the product through seductive advertising - as do all companies selling products. Wow - I really must have been watching "The Matrix" to draw that conclusion!:zombie:

You can't be as gullible as you make out to be Justin. It seems rather you have drawn a line in the sand delinianating the plots that you can comfortably accept and those you refuse to consider regardless that you have no rational explanation for much evidence pointing to the accuracy of an apparantly fantastic theory.

Sherlock Holmes, the fictional detective invented by Conan-Doyl said that once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever is left as an explanation, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.

Of course I don't believe in the shape shifting reptilians, but I do think that those politicians and corporations who heartlessly, greedily and murderously assist, through their policies, the destruction of the planet's environment, behave like metaphorical aliens. Therefore the description appeals to me. It would make no difference were they extraterrestrial or not. They are still inhuman!:ill:

Have you ever heard of "spin" or "spin doctors"? (Or of Machiavelli for that matter). Since the Labour Party came to power, there has barely been a day going past without these terms openly used in the media to describe the party's propaganda machine.

Why are there "official secrets"? Justifyably, or not, these secrets represent facts being deliberately hidden from the public. Yes! Hidden! Everyone knows this happens Justin.

Eventually, many of these secrtets become known. When it no longer matters to those in power.

There are official secrets relating to the investigation into the primary school massacre by paedophile Thomas Hamilton. These implicate a relationship between the killer and people high up in authority.

There are secrets revealed now about US government germ warfare experiments on their own people.

It's all about probability, and how much cynicism you are capable of before it becomes too much to bear.

The good side to this is that we cynics act like the white blood cells in an immune reaction, and we help prevent the disease from being a lot worse a lot faster.

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" (over your own government) said Thomas Jefferson
That whole article about Biological Warfare really really pissed me off.

A year later, the CIA placed a chemical substance in the drinking water supply of the Food and Drug Administration headquarters in Washington, DC. The test was designed to see if it was possible to poison drinking water with LSD or other incapacitating agents.
But I found this kinda humerous for 2 reasons.

In 1980, hundreds of Haitian men, who had been locked up in detention camps in Miami and Puerto Rico, developed gynecomasia after receiving "hormone" shots from US doctors. Gynecomasia is a condition causing males to develop full-sized female breasts.
I wonder what it felt like to be those guys.
Norsemaiden said:
You can't be as gullible as you make out to be Justin. It seems rather you have drawn a line in the sand delinianating the plots that you can comfortably accept and those you refuse to consider regardless that you have no rational explanation for much evidence pointing to the accuracy of an apparantly fantastic theory.

Thats totally wrong, I already told you I think up all sorts of crazy shit when i come home from school. I have the whole fucking X-files series on DVD so dont talk that gullible shit to me.

Norsemaiden said:
Have you ever heard of "spin" or "spin doctors"? (Or of Machiavelli for that matter). Since the Labour Party came to power, there has barely been a day going past without these terms openly used in the media to describe the party's propaganda machine.

Dude, WTF is wrong with you? You like the Spin Doctors and you post on UM? Just, just go ahead now is NOT tru viking metal (and you call yourself Norse!)

And DUH ive heard of machiavelli and how facist he was with Italy and WW2 and all that from school. I already saw an awesome movie by that michael moore guy about propaganda called Fahrenheit 9/11, which maybe YOU should watch and learn history.

Norsemaiden said:
Why are there "official secrets"? Justifyably, or not, these secrets represent facts being deliberately hidden from the public. Yes! Hidden! Everyone knows this happens Justin.

Eventually, many of these secrtets become known. When it no longer matters to those in power.

I know all about how teh governments leak info to keep the masses happy and quite, its episode 113. DOYYYY

Norsemaiden said:
There are secrets revealed now about US government germ warfare experiments on their own people.

I know all about the doping, i get all my true info from the net too. The government and pharmaceuticals are in bed together to create 1984 + Brave New World at the same fucking time.
Scares the shit outa me.

Norsemaiden said:
"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance" (over your own government) said Thomas Jefferson

Yeah, well he fucked a dirty slave, so...
speed said:
Justin S., I am so impressed.

Why thank you, although Ive about exausted my patience, as well as ability with this pass of "method acting" (if I may be so generous).

I suppose its time to start a new thread entitled: "Phenomenology, and You". ;)
Ptah Khnemu said:
:OMG:Is this a sign of surrender from Norsemaiden? NO WAI.

No, actually I thought that it was so obvious that I had won that a dignified silence was called for. In what way has Justin scored any points whatsoever with his sarcasm? He just says, or implies by acting in a contrary manner, as on this thread, that all obvious and well referenenced facts are crazy simply because....because... because I don't know why. There are no reasons why. He just wants to believe in illusiions! He reminds me of my parents actually. They just don't want to know, because they are moral cowards. How typical.

If I was going to be really conspiratorial about it, of course, I would say he is part of the infection that the antibodies are trying to cure. Imagine if Justin S was a moderator! All speculation that was in any way critical of the system would be forbidden, presumably.
Norsemaiden said:
Imagine if Justin S was a moderator! All speculation that was in any way critical of the system would be forbidden, presumably.

The horror! My neo-con sympathies just drip from every post. See the "Should Philosophy be Required?" thread for evidence.
Justin could you just tell me straight: do you agree that conspiracies exist? Do you believe that the government conspires to deceive its own people on regular occasions? Do you agree that when they do this it is usually not anything to do with "the public interest". If you disagree, would proof ever make you change your mind?
Was the purpose for you to pretend to be crazy and ignorant and suggest that anyone who believes conspiracies exist is inevitably thus? Was the purpose to charicature Silver Incubus, Ptah Khnemu, and me? Sorry if I spoilt it then by bringing some sanity into the proceedings.
i drink, therefore i am \m/ if you want real philosophical music dont listen to that poseur band nevermore, check out opeth

this place is terrible, but still 190% better since silentsong stopped posting
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