Silver Incubus
Dead Hands Justin
I never once felt that my persona was portrayed here in this thread. Nor the way I think, or the way in which i present information. I don't care if people don't want to spend the time and look at all possible information before making up there minds. I look at all sources and decide what I have determined based on the information I have recieved. I cannot make someone look at the information, and thus, cannot expect them to believe me when I challenge their world perception. All I do is test this information with and on what this information is saying. So in a scientific style of theory and testing then when the information clearly forcasts future events then it could be thought that the information source may be more usable as evidence of actual events.
I certainly understand why people don't like having their world view challenged. Most people don't like change. and when they feel challenged they lash out in their own way. Be it ridicule, anger, sarcasm, belittling, or rationalization, or any other defenses of the mind.
I certainly understand why people don't like having their world view challenged. Most people don't like change. and when they feel challenged they lash out in their own way. Be it ridicule, anger, sarcasm, belittling, or rationalization, or any other defenses of the mind.