Demons And Wizards - album cover and new song sample

zmetallica said:
i hear it, but it sounds intentional. if anything i think they need to turn the guitars down with it. the cymbals aren't heard enough. i just hear the snare and the guitars and vocals and some kick... guitars slightly intersect with the same EQ range as the kick so its hard to bring out the kick if the guitars are that loud.

as far as the cover is concerned: i like it. but it is a bit cheesy in that it goes along with the name of the band. can you explain why the wizard looks 'gay' i think the drawing is fine, but doesn't compare to the first album at all.
Well, it's just his look à la " I'm gonna strike you with my holy thunderforce! " that I think is funny. Seriously, we have seen much "better" looking wizards right?
{D|aBo|uS} said:
This can be a little detail to you, and actually it is to me too, but am I the only one who finds the drum snare absolutly annoying!!!! It is damn too loud! haha. But I wanted to know, who is drumming on this album? It is a quite decent drummer, is he from Iced Earth?
Richard Christy (iced earth,death,burning inside)played the drums.
who the fuck cares about the album cover!
Just as long as the cd rocks I could give a rats ass about which picture is on the front of the cd.
Didn't jo momma's ever teach you about not judging a book by its cover?
Lordlucid said:
who the fuck cares about the album cover!
Just as long as the cd rocks I could give a rats ass about which picture is on the front of the cd.
Didn't jo momma's ever teach you about not judging a book by its cover?
But, chances are that the cd won't rock :erk: